The Two-fold Sovereign Will of God -

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Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. ~ Exodus 33:18-19

The Lord God, YAHWEH (Jehovah), revealed to His servant Moses the two-fold nature of His Sovereign Will. YAHWEH’s Grace is the manifestation of His Perfect Will. YAHWEH’s Mercy is the manifestation of His Permissive Will.
YAHWEH is a God of Grace and Mercy… His PERFECT WILL is that mankind would remain sinless and blameless by following His commands and statutes as given in the OT law, just as Jesus modeled for us in the NT. But, through His Mercy, God’s PERMISSIVE WILL gives mankind the opportunity to receive God’s plans and purposes on our level of understanding and capability. Then God equips us with His Spirit to guide us into maturity and sanctification to be used for His purposes…to be part of His PERFECT WILL.
We should be so THANKFUL to God for His Mercy and Permissive Will. On our own, we are incapable of living up to His Perfect Will…and therefore, we are hopelessly doomed without His Mercy and Forgiving Love.
There’s no better picture of God’s Permissive Will than that of Jesus Christ going to the cross to take the punishment of our sin and our rebellion…that we could know the depth of God’s Grace and Mercy for us.