How To Whiten Teeth

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if you have yellow teeth or stains on teeth then there is something incomplete in your personality to maintain that pearl white shiny and sparkling smile follow below mentioned methods to learn How To Whiten Teeth.

Teeth whitening process involves lightning the color of teeth, it helps in cleaning and removing stains from teeth. Whitening process is carried out by a dentists and must be done only by a dentist, it is a time taking process you might have to pay several visits to your dentist over a couple of month.

White teeth makes your smile more beautiful, graceful and you feel confident but if you have yellow teeth or stains on teeth then there is something incomplete in your personality to maintain that pearl white shiny and sparkling smile follow below mentioned methods to learn How To Whiten Teeth.

  1. MAINTENANCE: this method makes you to learn how to whiten teeth the simple strategy is brushingyour teeth twice a day or brush after every meal or snack which does not allow any stain to stay on your teeth try to brush your gumline tooth brush removes plaques from the surface of teeth and keeps them clean, regularly brushing whitens teeth and do not let germs or stains to rest on teeth.
  2. BRUSH WITH BAKING SODA: you might be thinking how to whiten teeth with a kitchen ingredient baking soda well mix one teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with this mixture few times per week. Baking soda reduces the bacteria in your mouth and buff away stains. It will not whiten your teeth overnight but in few weeks you will find the difference in color.
  3. USE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: it has antibacterial and natural bleaching effect use it as mouth wash. Take a teaspoon of it and mix it with two teaspoons of water swish it around in your mouth for several minutes and spit it out do not forget to rinse your mouth with plain water. Do not use it excessively as apple cider vinegar may erode enamel of your teeth.
  4. USE COCONUT OIL: to pull out those stains from your teeth use coconut swish one to two teaspoons of coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 30 minutes and spit it out, drink a glass of water and then brush your teeth. Coconut helps in pulling out stains and bacteria from your mouth and helps you to learn how to whiten teeth with coconut, always use organic coconut oil which does not contain any harmful ingredients.
  5. EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: consuming fruits and vegetables is good for your teeth and health. When you eat raw vegetables and fruit the crunch of them rubs against tooth wall and removes stains and bacteria. The high-water content also helps to keep your teeth clean and healthy.


  • Wash your mouth regularly after every meal.
  • Do not consume excessive fluoride.
  • Avoid tobacco and smoking.
  • Do not consume tea, coffee, hard drinks and red wine as they make your teeth yellow.

Strictly maintain oral hygiene like brushing, flossing and using mouth wash regularly.
