Steel Flooring: A Strategy Full Of Advantages

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The choice of construction materials and techniques is a priority when constructing homes or buildings. Learn about the benefits of opting for steel and its derivatives. To check out steel flooring near me, click here.

The choice of construction materials and techniques is a priority when constructing homes or buildings. Learn about the benefits of opting for steel and its derivatives. To check out steel flooring near meclick here.

 In many countries, reinforced concrete is the material that predominates in the manufacture of residential and commercial spaces. According to the results of the Building Survey, 85.6% of the construction permits contemplated using concrete to constitute the structure of the works. This massive preference responds to the generalized idea that using this resource guarantees more excellent durability of the buildings. In recent years, due to the seismic antecedents that devastated entire cities, people began to prioritize that their buildings are also earthquake-resistant.

The primary source of resistance to earthquakes in reinforced concrete structures resides in the ability of heat-treated steel rods to withstand repetitive load cycles without significant reduction in resistance.

Why steel flooring 

 Steel is characterized precisely by being an element capable of dissipating seismic energy. This particularity has turned metallic structures into a construction alternative in the event of tremors or earthquakes. Thus, its use in works grew by 4.3% in 2018. The report emphasizes that any construction technique - be it reinforced concrete or metallic structure - can have the characteristic of earthquake resistance, as long as the construction regulations of each method are followed, with the appropriate materials and hand of qualified work.

 The benefits of steel flooring and structures

 A civil engineer specializing in steel flooring and structures agrees that the trend to build with steel is increasing and affirms that it is more noticeable in big cities, where this material is gaining - according to his calculations - by 70% to reinforced concrete. 

 Advantages of Steel Flooring

 According to the specialist, this acceptance of steel is due to the excellent knowledge of the advantages, which he summarizes in the following points.

  • Time-saving

 By building with steel flooring, the structure is built in less time. For example, a five-story building can take a year to be ready if reinforced concrete is chosen, while it would take only four months for steel. This temporary reduction affects the general construction budget by considerably reducing indirect costs: offices, space rental to store material, guardianship, labor, and more.

  • Optimization of spaces

 The steel flooring of the buildings occupies less floor space than the concrete ones, which means that the living space is more significant. To understand it, we put another practical case. For example, in an eight-story building, if it is built with concrete, the columns should measure approximately 80 centimeters. In steel, on the other hand, the same structures could be manufactured in 40 centimeters. For architects, this ability opens up many possibilities for more efficient designs.

  • Better behavior before earthquakes.

 A building with steel flooring and structures is much lighter than one made of reinforced concrete. As we explain, the more mass a construction has, the greater the seismic force. Steel also has the property of being flexible and responding better to these events. The expert comments that energy dissipaters forged in this material is as a passive system to counteract earthquakes, installed in new buildings and others affected by the earthquakes.
