The Twilight Zone, The COVID Zone, or The End Zone

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A summary of the last two years of life in the COVID era and an analysis of where it is leading us.

For almost two years now, we've been living in the Twilight Zone, or should I say the COVID Zone? It started with "Two weeks to flatten the curve" and billboards and commercials everywhere telling us to "Stay Home!" Small businesses were ordered closed while large box stores remained open. Nighttime curfews were introduced. We were told to "social distance" and to wear masks. Stores installed plexiglas shields in front of their cashier stations to "protect" their workers.

Gradually, more and more people began to realize that none of this makes sense. A virus does not know the difference between a small business and a large box store. A virus does not know what time it is. A virus can easily travel around a plexiglas shield and fly through the weave of a mask.

We saw news reports in which any gathering of people having fun or of right wing protesters was labeled a "super spreader event." Then, to our surprise, we saw massive left wing protests/riots and we were told that these were of no or very little health concern. Many of the very people who were giving us dire warnings about large gatherings and the need to social distance, actually participated in these left wing events, many times shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm with other people. A virus does not know the difference between a party, a right wing event, and a left wing event.

Not only were there double standards depending on politics, statistics were also being manipulated. Anyone who tested positive for COVID and died was listed as a COVID death, regardless of their other medical conditions. For example, people on their death bed with stage 4 cancer but who tested positive for COVID were listed as a COVID deaths.

Then came the "vaccines," mRNA gene editing shots. These "vaccines" were rolled out at "warp speed," bypassing the years of trials new treatments normally go through. This type of treatment had never been used before, especially on a mass scale. It wasn't long before these shots were being mandated across the globe. In many places, it was becaming mandatory to have a Vaccine Passport/Green Pass/Trust Stamp to enter businesses, stores, and restaurants. It also was becaming mandatory to be vaccinated to be allowed to work, even for doctors, nurses, police and firefighters. Adverse reactions and deaths from the shots were ignored. In some places, people were even banned from entering food stores. These are not the actions that people who care about public health and wellbeing would take. There is more to pubic health than COVID.

It was becaming obvious to those who had not been brainwashed by the endless propaganda and who could still think clearly that all of the rules that were put in place were not about protecting the health of the public, they were about controling the public. And all of this was happening, not just in one country, but globally. Politicians began wielding virtual dictatorial power everywhere, even in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

This was happening globally. This was unprecedented. Never before have virtually all of the world's governments been on the same page, moving together in lockstep.

Politicians like the UK's Tony Blair openly stated that world government was necessary. Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum said that COVID-19 "represents a rare but narrow opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" and that "the COVID-19 outbreak is the first big step toward unprecedented control of mankind." John Kerry has said that the Biden Administration is on board with the Great Reset.

A review of what has happened shows it's not about our health. It's about our obedience and their control. It's about global government. The public is being conditioned to obey through deception.

There is also another interesting aspect to this. Is there something much deeper going on?

"[B]y your 'pharmakeia' were all nations deceived." Pharmakeia is a Greek word that means "pharmacy" or the use of medicine or drugs. This sentence was not written recently to a pharmaceutical company or government official by someone in response to current events. It was written 2000 years ago by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation, chapter 18, verse 23.

The Apostle John also wrote, "no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:17) This is earily similar to people not being allowed to enter businesses, restaurants, or work without proof of vaccination. We have seen the unprecedented event of all of the world's governments moving together in lockstep. Governments across the world are using COVID to curtail freedom, institue authoritarian rule and condition people to accept it. The Apostle John wrote, "power was given him [the Beast] over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7) The Globalists' goal is an authoritarian one world government and they are using COVID to get there. Are they setting the stage for the Beast's rise to power?

What are we to make of this? Is this just an earie coincidence or are we witnessing the Book of Revelation begin to unfold before our eyes? Is the Vaccine Passport/Green Pass/Trust Stamp a precursor to, or prototype of, the Mark of the Beast? Is this the beginning of the end?

Each person can make of this what he or she will but the amazing similarity between what was written 2000 years ago and what is happening today cannot be denied. Each one of us has to decide if we are living in the Twilight Zone, The COVID Zone, or The End Zone. We must decide wisely. One thing is for sure: We are not living in the Truth and Honesty Zone.
