The Prayerful Word - October 20

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.

Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

Psalm 32:5 Finally, I confessed all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.” And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone.

May you not be settled into this world, but wear it loosely, not clinging to possessions, but holding them lightly, not demanding even acceptable pleasures, lest you end up pursuing harmful appetites, but walk in humility before God and live contentedly with enough, letting your joy come from your citizenship in eternity and your satisfaction from the presence of the Lord, boasting only in the faithful love, justice, and righteousness which the Lord in His mercy delights to exercise in the earth. Jeremiah 35

May you be as willing to hear and obey the word of the Lord your God as you do those in your life that you respect and who care for you, for has not the Lord Who created you provided you life and sustains you each day, and does not the Lord Who has redeemed you show His love by all He has given even before you knew Him? Jeremiah 35

May you be employed in the presentation of God's Word to those in need, sharing the promises and consequences, informing all of the truth of His love and the reality of the enemy, offering His mercy and justice and warning of what is to come, that the Lord may have a witness in the earth and the harvest, which is plentiful, may be gathered in. Jeremiah 36

May you respond in godly respect and reverential fear to the Word of the Lord, following His precepts and obeying His leading, knowing that careless disregard of His warnings and unheeding disrespect of His commands will lead to increased woes and added wrath. Jeremiah 36

Seek Me for all your needs, My child, but fail not to act on those items that are your tasks to do.
In your patient endurance, you shall gain the possession of your soul.
Study to show yourself approved before Me, without shame, accurately handling the Word of My Truth.
Present yourself to Me as one redeemed from death to life so that every part of your body may be a useful weapon of righteousness.
It is by My Spirit that you are empowered to do these things, just as it is because of My love that you desire to please Me in this fashion. But it is by My Word, revealed by My Spirit to your innermost parts and made life and strength to your soul as it is written on the tables of your heart that you are able to stand in the battles I give you to fight, and to overcome in the struggles that are yours to face.
My written word must be your standard by which you measure that which you receive, but do not think that the plans are the same as the structure. All Scripture is inspired by Me for teaching, reproof, correction, conviction, and instruction in righteousness.
But just as I formed Adam's body from clay, it remained dead and without life until My breath entered into it. Even as the body, without the breath, is dead, so also the written word, holy and inscribed through My inspiration, can still wound and kill if used without the Spirit guiding you in the way of love which leads to life.
My creation, spoken into existence, shaped and fashioned from My heart, showing My magnificence and demonstrating My majesty, is not to be worshiped; it only points to Me, and it will pass away to be replaced by a new heaven and earth.
I am the eternal Word of God. Seek Me, letting the written scriptures point to Me as you study and revere that which I have given you through the efforts and blood of many people, but do not worship the written word lest it become as the brazen serpent Moses made and distract you from who I am.
As you seek Me, yielding to My Spirit in humility and joy, I will transform you into My image so that others will read My Truth writ large in your life, no longer seeing you, but having their life touched by Me as I bring them from death into the same living relationship of the Spirit that I have given you.
Do your diligence, My love, and learn of Me through My Word, allowing My Spirit to open it to you, that you may breathe in the life which transforms you, that I may be seen by the world.

May you be obediently willing, in meekness before the Lord and with careful regard to your own cleanliness in the Spirit, to bring rebuke to faults among God's people, not eager to exalt yourself, but desirous to lift them up to achieve their best. I Timothy 5

May you be faithful to show God's love to the members of your own family, and ready to help meet the needs of those who have only the Lord to turn to, showing mercy when you have the means so that you may receive mercy when you have the need. 1 Timothy 5

May you give double-honor to those who labor in the Lord for you, seeking Him for direction, sharing what they receive, caring for all who listen, training you for overcoming, rejoicing with you in victory. 1 Timothy 5

May you learn to acclaim the Lord and to walk in the light of His presence, rejoicing in His name all day long and exulting in His righteousness, for He is your glory and strength, and by His favor you are victorious, therefore your loyalty and devotion belongs to the Lord, your Holy One, Who has founded His throne on righteousness and justice, and before Whom goes love and faithfulness. Psalm 89

May your strength be granted from God, your anointing come from His Spirit, His hand sustain you, His arm empower you, paying no tribute to an enemy and suffering no oppression from the wicked as He crushes your foes before you and strikes down your adversaries, and His faithful love will abide with you as you acknowledge Him to be your Father, Your God, the Rock your Savior. Psalm 89

May you know that though discipline comes when needed, the Lord will never take His love from you nor will He ever betray His faithfulness, for He will not violate His covenant of love or alter the promises His lips have uttered. Psalm 89
