Ever Wonder Where the Phrase "Kool Aid drinkers" Came From?

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If you have ever wondered where the phrase, "Kool Aid drinkers" came from, take a step back in time to November 18, 1978 when 918 members of the now infamous Georgetown, Guyana "Peoples Temple" cult committed suicide after drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid or punch.

Ever Wonder Where the Phrase "Kool Aid drinkers" Came From?

If you have ever wondered where the phrase, "Kool Aid drinkers" came from, take a step back in time to November 18, 1978 when 918 members of the now infamous Georgetown, Guyana "Peoples Temple" cult committed suicide after drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid or punch.

Dianne Feinstein wasn't the only current member of Congress that was involved in this mass suicide. So was Nancy Pelosi and former California congresswoman Barbara Boxer. Another notable Kool-Aid drinker was Hanoi Jane Fonda.

This just goes to show you the depravity of California lunatic members of the American democrat socialist party. Why are we even allowing these lunatics to be a part of our law making branch of government? They should all be forced to take a mental evaluation to even hold office!

Notably, lately Nancy Pelosi claims to ba a Catholic, but she was born Jewish and was a member of the now infamous Jim Jones cult that was responsible for the mass murder of 918 Americans in South America in 1978. The Jonestown massacre is still the largest mass suicide-murder in recorded history, and these idiots want to take away our guns?

Ain't gonna happen! For those unaware, the list of links below ought to tell you something about Dianne Feinstein. She was a member of Jim Jones' now infamous Jonestown, Guyana cult. This was the cult where we got the "drinking the Kool-Aid" expression from. They laced the Kool-Aid with cyanide and killed their entire membership.

And Dianne Feinstein thinks SHE has any credibility as a politician? Heck, she has no credibility as a HUMAN BEING! http://www.salon.com/2012/05/01/jim_jones_sinister_grip_on_san_francisco/

The following article further details how Jim Jones cultivated political alliances and close ties with then S.F. Mayor George Moscone, Supervisor Harvey Milk, then Assemblyman Willie Brown, then-Supervisor Dianne Feinstein, then Governor Jerry Brown, and even the 1976 Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale campaign ... "the wild and bloody birth of San Francisco values" indeed; murderous marxist social utopianism in motion towards mass suicide and murder.


Peoples Temple's inside man http://www.rickross.com/reference/jonestown/jonestown91.html

Supervisors appoint Dianne Feinstein as mayor http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Supervisors-appoint-Dianne-Feinstein-as-mayor-2510312.php

If these links aren't enough to convince you, let me know. I can dig up much more evidence against her. Jonestown Survivor Elected To Congress https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jonestown-survivor-elected-to-congress/

Jonestown: Paradise Lost (Documentary)
