Preventing a Nuclear 9-11

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America's greatest risk is not from Russia, China or Iran. We would never be attacked directly. Consider one of those countries providing a small nuclear weapon to smuggle into the United States and detonating in Washington DC. Please read the following and then sign our petition

Is Washington At Risk?


Please consider this scenario: 

An enemy nation secretly equips Islamic Jihadists with a nuclear bomb.  They smuggle it into the United states, drive it in a van, and detonate it in Washington, DC.  They wipe out all three branches of the Federal Government and the Pentagon and kill more Americans than all of World War II.

All traces of the attackers are obliterated, no nation can be blamed, there is no fear of retribution.

Russia then launches multiple EMP attacks on the United States and Western Europe.  Within a few months, 90% of the population has died.  500 million are dead.  It is the end of the Western World.

Can you think of any reason why this cannot happen?

Please sign our on-line White House Petition to alert President Trump of this danger. 

When this message reaches President Trump, he will take the action needed to protect America and to prevent the catastrophe described above.

This is not about politics.

In a nuclear attack, Republicans and Democrats,

will all be dead.


A nuclear attack on Washington could occur at any time

without warning. 

Therefore, every day counts.


We, the greatest military force in existence, ever, are exposed to total and permanent defeat by a small group of Islamic Jihadists, because of two potentially fatal flaws in homeland security 

Flaw 1

Not recognizing that enemy nations can secretly use Islamic Jihadists as the ideal vehicle to smuggle nuclear weapons into the United States and detonate them at high value targets, like Washington, DC.

Flaw 2

Not protecting the Electric Power Grid and computer chips against EMP events, man-made or of solar origin. 

My Message

I am Reinhard Stamminger and I was born near Vienna in Austria in August of 1934, the exact year and month in which Adolf Hitler became Germany’s Dictator.  As a child I experienced World War II and I know that this war could have been prevented, if Germans and Americans had acted on Hitler’s warning in his book Mein Kampf.

Meddling in the German elections, before Hitler gained power, would have been less expensive for America than fighting World War II, and would have been of great benefit for Humanity.  It would have saved 50 million lives, including those of 6 million Jews and about half a million Americans.

The tragic events of World War II should be a warning to all of us.

We must not miss this opportunity to save 500 million lives,

including our own.



Today, we must respond to

two clear warnings,

 before it is too late:


First Warning

By shouting “Death to America”, Radical Islam has declared war on us.  This is more serious than any declaration of war by a nation-state.  Our Military can target and defeat a nation-state, but it cannot target several hundred thousand Islamic Jihadists distributed throughout many countries, including some already in the United States. 

Unless we prevent it, it is inevitable that one or more small groups of Jihadists will smuggle nuclear weapons into the United States, and detonate them at high-value targets, like Washington, DC.


We reinforced and locked cockpit doors only after the 9/11 attacks.

Let’s not wait for the first nuclear attack, before we start

protecting against it.

Second Warning:

The High Voltage Power Transformers that will be destroyed by an EMP, either man made or of solar origin, are not currently manufactured in the United States. 

By building an EMP capability that can destroy High Voltage Power Transformers, and by becoming a leading manufacturer of such transformers, Russia has signaled its intent to launch EMP attacks on the United States, and perhaps also on Western Europe.  Other countries have warned us by building EMP capability.  A few months after EMP attacks, Russia and other enemies can then invade those countries, and take possession, unopposed.  They find all infrastructure in place, undisturbed.  Only High Voltage Transformers and Computers need to be replaced.  Russia brings the transformers and China brings the computers.

Before 9/11 we failed to protect against the simple enemy strategy of using airplanes as weapons of mass destruction.  Will we now fail to protect against the simple enemy strategy of using Islamic Jihadists as vehicles to deliver and detonate nuclear bombs, in order to diminish our defense capability as a precursor to EMP attacks?

Protection is simple in concept

but difficult to implement.

 The simple concept: Protect against smuggling of nuclear weapons from the Atlantic and Pacific shores, from Mexico and from Canada.  Protect against bombs detonated in ships in our harbors or near the shore, and in private airplanes over our cities.  Protect against EMP attacks by making our power grid and our entire infrastructure, including all computers, telecommunications, cars, and other devices using silicon chips, immune to EMP events, man-made or of solar origin.

Cost is irrelevant, because the alternative is

the end of the United States

and perhaps the end of the Western World.

Action is both

important and urgent

My team and I have been working on this subject for the past six years.  We know that now it has become of the utmost importance and urgency that this information reaches President Trump, who is the only person who can initiate the action needed to protect us.

President Trump likes three-minute presentations. Please get us three minutes with the President, at the White House or at his Florida Residence, so that I can share with him information that will help him implement his full Agenda to make America safe.

We will not publish that information, since our Country has both external and internal enemies.

Thank you

Reinhard Stamminger

Palm Coast, Florida

801-580-5952 Cell Phone



Mark Chai Watkins 6 yrs

And the EMP Commission was decommissioned in 2017, make sense? Uh, No!!! One more point of interest, it was leaked recently that had the Demonrats won in 2016, Russia was going to do a first strike on America... Thank G_d it did not happen!!! Blessings and thank you for the piece Rick!!!