Will God Take Care of Me?

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Will God abandon me in my time of need or will He take care of me? Is our trust in money more than it is in God to provide for us?

Everyone has a need to feel secure.  For children that security comes from their parents.  For parents that security should come from our Father in heaven.  Often we find that our security is our financial well-being.  When things in life happen that challenge our financial security our minds will wonder off into what-if scenarios.  They are usually the thoughts the enemy throws at us.  What if I can’t afford to buy groceries?  What if I can’t pay my rent or mortgage? Will I be able to buy shoes for my kids who are outgrowing theirs?  These thoughts are rooted in our fear that God will abandon us in our time of need. 

Jeremiah 17:7-8, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out    its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” 

He is not just our Father but the King of Kings.  He owns the whole earth and everything in it.  Deuteronomy 10:14, "Behold, to the LORD your God belong heaven and the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it.  In Psalm 95:5 says it’s his because he made it.  He does not just own the land but the wealth of the land.  Haggai 2:8, 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares the LORD of hosts. 

Now that we know he owns everything the next question is will he take care of the needs of his children with his wealth?  Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

If your child was in need, you would not ignore him.  Matthew 7:9-11, which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!  1 Timothy 5:8, But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.  God is consistent and does not change like shifting shadows (James).  God will not teach us to do something against his character.

Psalm 37:25, “I have been young, and now I am old, but I have never seen a righteous person abandoned or his descendants begging for food.”

My Mom was a single Mom.  She worked two jobs to support my sister and I.  When I was 12 she got really sick and was out of work for a full year.  God stepped in to help when my Mom could not work.  Our rent was paid every month and people would show up at our door with groceries.  I have heard stories like this from other Christians where they unexpectedly got the exact amount of money they needed or where strangers would show up at their door with groceries.  Proverbs 10:3, “The Lord will not let the righteous go hungry.  My Mom recovered and the Lord has blessed her life.  Life can be hard with many ups and downs, but God is always faithful to his children!  

When you are serving the Lord in accordance with his will, you will not just be just ok, but you will prosper. You can find that in (1 John 5:14-15).  God wants you to succeed in the plans he has for you!  It is for his benefit that you are successful in glorifying him in all areas of your life.

Job 36:11, If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.  Here are two more verses you can write down and look up later, that say what you need to do in order to be prosperous and successful.  Joshua 1:8 1 Kings 2:3.

If you are serving yourself instead of the Lord, you may encounter some road blocks until God gets you back on course. 

I will pull out 5 examples from the bible when God took care of his people.  When you think about these, know that God is willing to do the same for you. Acts 10:34, Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism.


Example # 1. The Exodus from Egypt.

God gave the Israelites miraculous provisions when they were wondering in the desert. Most of us won’t end up in a literal desert but there will be times God will supernaturally provide for you, if the need arises.


1.  Exodus 16, God fed the Israelites in the desert with manna from heaven. He also sent them quail when they requested meat.

2.  Exodus 17, God gave them water out of a rock.

3.  Exodus 13:21-22, tells us that he sent a pillar of cloud by day, this protected them from the heat  of the sun in the desert and at night he sent a pillar of fire to keep them warm.  The pillars were also how he led them through the wilderness.

4.  Deuteronomy 29:5, During the 40 years their clothes and shoes did not wear out.

5.  Psalm 105:37, God gave them the wealth of the Egyptians in silver and gold.

6.  Psalm 105:37, Not one Israelite was feeble or lame. These were slaves who physically worked hard.  I am sure they had elderly people among them also.  I believe that after they ate the lamb and covered their doors with the blood they were healed.  See also Exodus 15:26


If you go through and read these stories we can see the Israelites’ faith in God was weak.  They were worried, complaining, and full of unbelief even though they witnessed first-hand the miracles of God. God freed them from slavery and parted the waters of the Red Sea (Exodus 14).  God provided food, water, and shelter for them in the desert, and they still did not fully trust God.  The Israelites felt like God took them out into the wilderness to die (Exodus 14:11).  How would you feel if your children, whom you loved and took care of, felt like you wanted them to die.  God has feelings and gets upset at their lack of faith in him.  Their lack of faith and their disobedience to God is why they had to stay in the wilderness for 40 years. God blocked the promised land and all the prosperity that was waiting for them, but he still provided for them during this time.  He never abandoned them.

Only two (Joshua and Caleb) whole-heartily trusted God.  They were the only two that God allowed to enter the promised land.  You can read that in Numbers chapter 32.  Proverbs 16:20, Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord. 

Let God lead you, whole-heartily trust him, and he will provide for you.  If you trust him to lead you, he will pull you out of your desert.  God only has good in mind for you.  Jeremiah 29:11, For, I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Example # 2.  When Jesus feeds 5 thousand men plus women and children with them

The disciples wanted to send them away into the nearby towns so they could go get something to eat but Jesus said they do not need to go away.  When you follow Jesus he will provide for you.  He took what little he had which was 5 loaves and 2 fish.  He gave thanks to God for what he had and fed upward of 20 thousand people having 12 full baskets of leftovers.  This can be found in Matthew 14 Starting at verse 13


Example # 3.  Jesus feeds 4 thousand men plus their wives and children. 

This account can be found in Matthew 15 starting at verse 32.  A large group was following Jesus for days and they were hungry.  Jesus wanted to make sure they would be ok on the journey back home and would not faint from hunger.  They gave Jesus 7 loaves and a few fish.  Jesus again gave thanks to God for what he had even though it may have been small in comparison to what they needed.  All of us should do the same.  Thank God for what we have no matter what it is.  God took the little bit and turned it into more than enough.  He feed them all having 7 baskets of leftovers.  He did not do this because they were about to die from starvation but because he cared and provided for those that were following him.  

Matthew 6:31-33, Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Example # 4.  Elisha had provision to feed a hundred men with food left over. 

2 Kings 4:42-44, A man came from Baal-shalishah, bringing the man of God bread of the first fruits, twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain in his sack. And Elisha said, “Give to the men, that they may eat.” 43But his servant said, “How can I set this before a hundred men?” So he repeated, “Give them to the men, that they may eat, for thus says the LORD, ‘They shall eat and have some left.’” 44So he set it before them. And they ate and had some left, according to the word of the LORD.  You may notice a pattern.  God does not give them enough to just stop the hunger pain but he gives to them until they are full.  They always have left overs.  John 10:10, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


Example #5.  The last example is when a great drought that came upon the land.  God miraculously fed Elijah and a widow.

We can find this example in 1 Kings 17:2-7, God told Elijah where to go and he would supply him with food and water. Elijah did what the Lord had told him and the Lord provided.

God then told Elijah to go to Zarephath where he directed a widow to feed him.  He met the widow and she told him that she had a little bit flour and oil to make one more small loaf of bread for her and her son then, they planned on dying of starvation after that was gone.  Elijah told her to feed him first and if she did her flour and oil would not run out.  The widow did as directed and her food did not run out until the drought was over.

Both Elijah and the widow had to do as the Lord directed.  When they did, God supernaturally provided for them. 


I am showing you in the word how God takes care of those who love him.  I am telling you from personal experience and I want you to know that Hebrews 13:8, says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


Here is a link to a great 4.5 minute video Will God Provide My Needs?  Excellent testimony from Bill Wiese!  

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Jenny 5 yrs

Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay