If you're now in Pollnivneach and are ready to violate the law

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If you're now in Pollnivneach and are ready to OSRS Gold violate the law, go to the person you have chosen to use the lure option on him. He'll begin following you but he might also claim that he's engaged right now. In this case, you'll be forced to persevere until he does accept your proposal.

Once you've convinced your target , you may lead him into a cozy space in which no other bandits your kind are present. If any of them recognizes you, then you will be caught and you will be liable for both the person you are targeting and his accomplice.

Therefore, ensure that you enter the room without anyone other than you and make sure to close curtains while playing blackjack. In order to be successful at these rate you have to pay attention to your actions and avoid mistakes that can lead to being attacked by bandits and consequently to wasting time.

In blackjacking lures is used to attract NPCs to join the enclosures (house). If you've managed get an NPC to your room, then you don't need the lure option anymore. You just need to make sure that you shut curtains that can act as doors trapping your enemies inside the room.

If you knock out successfully, you will have plenty of time to Buy RS 2007 Gold grab bandits two times but to be able to do it, you will have to be quick. If you are taking your time, do not attempt a third pickpocket. If you don't manage to take off your opponent, do not attempt to steal more than one time.
