While there are rumors that EA Sports has cancelled

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"I think the roadmap may be a bit more modest than in Mut 22 coins the past because we're really focusing on a handful of core parts from Madden 22 and also getting into Madden 23 in a big way," Graddy said at the time. "So I will stand by our previous statements over the last couple of years"we're a live game and we'll continue updating Madden, however we're definitely not going to be talking about a brand new mode."

The announcement attracted attention partly because franchise mode is a source of contention for certain Madden players. In fact, the roadmap was first announced in response to the hashtag #fixmaddenfranchise, which circulated on Twitter in mid-2020, which was triggered by reports that EA was not planning any improvements to franchise mode.

Since then, EA has released new commissioner tools and other improvements which include a complete overhaul of its scouting systems. Madden 22 also introduced an expanded scenario engine, in-season cuts, and coaching trees. Nevertheless, fans continue to highlight various areas where franchise mode can improve relative to its competitors, from the lack of customisation to the numerous bugs.

While EA Sports wouldn't provide any more details, the additional enhancements remain on the table for an upcoming date. The updates could include the franchise relocation enhancements promised in the original plan to Madden 22. Expect more details in 2022.

In the meantime you can read the IGN analysis of Madden 22, in which we explain why the series has a few issues when it comes to being available for the Xbox Series X|S and PS5. Madden 22 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

While there are rumors that EA Sports has cancelled the remaining updates to the franchise mode regarding Madden 22, the developer/publisher insists there are still two updates coming to the feature.

I reached out to EA's team via email and received the following response, which was shared with a few other publications.

"We do not want to talk about rumors and speculation; however, we're determined to improve Franchise as a part of our ongoing Madden NFL 22 live service and beyond. This includes two upcoming Franchise updates that will be available within cheap Madden 22 coins Madden NFL 22. We'll provide more details on these updates in the new year."
