THIS IS a question that is being asked frequently today - and that’s not surprising, for it is evident the Tribulation is going to commence soon. Multiplying signs are pointing to the imminent 7-year climax of the age.
Undoubtedly “the Man of Sin” is active behind the scenes today, waiting for his dramatic revealing - the event that will signal the beginning of the Day of YAHWEH Elohim (God).
And as the Tribulation will be an unprecedented period of tragedy, terror and tyranny - the worst time of trouble ever to come upon the world, believers should be concerned to know whether they are right in looking for the Rapture before the Tribulation begins. For if the Rapture is not before the Tribulation, then believers will need to prepare for the worst. They will need to plan for a hiding place - unless they simply resolve to accept torture and to put their heads on a guillotine.
Are we right in watching for the signposts, and getting excited at the prospect of being caught up at any moment? Are we right in hastening unto the coming of the Master, and expecting His call at any moment? Or should we be looking for the revealing of the “Man of Sin.” Should we be fortifying ourselves for the things that must take place, and for a final fiery trial of Believers as Satan unleashes the greatest period of persecution the world or the saints have, or will ever, know?
The time of the Rapture is a question that has been debated, and duelled over for a long time. Arguments and counter-arguments, anti-counter-arguments, and counter-anti-counter-arguments have been propounded by scholars and non-scholars, by students of prophecy, by Professors of Philosophy, by Bachelors of Artistry, Masters of Magniloquence, (lofty expressions) and Doctors of diereses (dots and tittles). It has been a free-for-all.
There are issues involved which have caused great confusion.
One main reason why there are various opposing views is the difference in Biblical interpretation about Israel and the church; about the nature of the Tribulation; about who the saints in the Tribulation are; about persecution, and whether the Tribulation is the wrath of YHWH God or the wrath of Satan; about whether the Rapture is indeed imminent; about when the Man of Sin will be revealed, and about whether the coming of the Master is in one or two stages.
Another reason, of course, is the fact that the vast subject of prophecy provides much scope for people to form their own private opinions and “scheme of events.”
When it comes to prophecy, the common man is often left wondering if anyone can be sure of anything. One may ask, “Why hasn’t God shown us more clearly, so we are not left in doubt?” Some imagine that prophecy is so unclear that it is better to leave it alone.
My fellow believer, we need not be afraid of the subject. But let us remember it is Satan who loves to create confusion, and thereby to rob believers of the joy of the Blessed Hope.
I believe the Rapture is imminent, and that it will take place before the Man of Sin is revealed - before the Tribulation.
I do not ask you to accept what I say simply because I say it. But I do ask you to pray and ask the Spirit of Elohim (God) to reveal whether what we teach is true or false. I do ask you to pray and ask the Father whether we are right in expecting the Saviour's return at any moment before the Tribulation, or whether we should be expecting to see the Antichrist, and thus should be preparing for the “hour of trial.”
Several things we should keep in mind, are ...
1.YHWH Elohim (God) has not written the Bible like a University text book. The Bible is a series of messages, revealing the truth in multiple ways, and giving answers to every type of need, for people everywhere, in all generations.
- The Bible has been written for people who will be raptured before the Tribulation, but it has been written also for people in the Tribulation, as well as for people in the Millennium. Isaiah 40:8. 1 Peter 1:25
- The conclusion on the timing of the Rapture is not based on a “proof text.” The truth must be based on systematic in-context exegesis (explanation and interpretation) of Scripture.
- While recognizing that symbolical language is used in parts of prophetic revelation, we should take the main body of the prophetic Scriptures quite literally, just as we take other Scriptural subjects. A “spiritualized” approach can lead to quite fanciful and very false interpretations.
A general rule is that when the Scriptures make plain sense, there is no need to seek any other sense. When symbols are used, an interpretation should be sought within the canon of Scripture itself.
Mark Chai Watkins 6 yrs
Yaffah Sheli Metuka, Toda Rabbah!!!