The Prayerful Word - November 13

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 16:3 The psalmist wrote, “I say of the holy people who are in the land, ‘They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.’”

Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.

Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

Psalm 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever...

Hebrews 13:6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

May you recognize the value of the talents God has given you to make, express, produce, understand, reveal, do, create or realize, and may you willingly share the results with the Body of Christ according to each member's needs in obedience to the leading of the Spirit, humbly giving honor to the Lord for making it possible through His empowering gifts which He provides as part of your spiritual inheritance, so that you will not take pride in it as though you yourself had done this thing by your own power and resources. Ezekiel 27

May you rest your hope in God Almighty, the Eternal One Who never fails, and not in the kingdoms or nations of the earth for each one, as surely as it rises, will just as surely decline and decay, failing at some point to provide your needs and sustain your life. Ezekiel 27

May you always remember when you are in the marketplace that you are the Lord's steward and, as a result, conduct your business and perform your work according to God's word, following His precepts, using your goods to the benefit of all for the praise and honor of your King. Ezekiel 27

May you know by faith that God is in each circumstance of your life, working His purpose, bringing you to His promise of blessing, turning what the enemy meant for harm, and causing good to come from it by His grace and strength and wisdom, so that all who hear will know that the Lord is the Sovereign God. Ezekiel 27, 28

May you daily remember that pride, which so easily besets us, was the downfall of God's enemy and is the carnal inheritance of our fallen nature, from which we have been rescued by the completely finished and totally sufficient work of Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer of all who will humbly receive the gift of faith to believe and accept what He has done for us, turning from our own prideful efforts to rescue ourselves and yielding up the right to our own arrogant opinions of what is right or wrong so that we may receive the holy, humble, easily-entreated, wisdom from above which gives life. Ezekiel 28

May you recall, and be mindful of, the fact that, just as you have, each of those whose lives touch yours has the choice to learn from you about the Lord and worship Him or seek to influence you to follow their ways; therefore, walk in the Spirit and pray without ceasing that you may be a channel for the Word of God to be expressed through and the love of God to be demonstrated in. Ezekiel 28

May you grasp the reality that although circumstances are the tools God uses as messengers, whether annoyance and inconvenience or war and pestilence, He is glorified in His holiness and righteousness by restoring His people to safety and prosperity once they are cleansed of their sins and purged of their waywardness, for through the redemption and salvation of your life the Lord displays His truth, power, and mercy. Ezekiel 28

Where can you go to leave My presence, My child? I am everywhere, always beside you, never absent, never inattentive, always alert, fully aware of your thoughts, your words, your feelings.
However, when you choose other sources to draw from, other strengths to rely on, other comforts to turn to, My dear one, I may seem far away because the light in your heart grows dim, and the praise in your mouth grows faint, and your awareness of My Spirit fades as you move away from life and into death.
I remain as close as always, My searching one, ready to respond to the weakest whisper, the merest thought that turns back to Me, desiring My presence which has never left, seeking My love which has never been taken away, but simply going unnoticed.
My grace will never end and My love will never stop, but My Spirit will not always strive. Time will run out, so draw close, My concerned one. Do not turn your eyes away from Me and do not let go of My hand.
Wear the world loosely, My precious pilgrim, knowing its attractions are alluring but not life-giving; cling to Me to the end, and you will overcome.

May you walk in the accepting faith of Abraham, who was willing to lay down the promises he received from God, giving back to Him what he had received, trusting God is able to do what He said, no matter how impossible it seems. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the quiet faith of Isaac, who spoke the word of God into the blessings over his children, giving guidance and assurance in their walk, and healing in their relationship. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the enduring faith of Jacob, who continued to rely on God through all the tumultuous adventure of his life, giving an inheritance to his children and grandchildren which God honored. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the strong faith of Joseph, who stayed true to the task God assigned, not counting the riches and splendor of nobility to be his legacy, and exhibited his belief in the promise of God by being buried with those to whom God gave the promise of blessing, not being influenced by the culture of the world. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the steadfast faith of Amram and Jochebed, who saw the promise of God in their son, Moses, and obeyed God rather than Pharoah. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the transforming faith of Moses, who chose the promises and blessings of God, with all their discomfort and suffering, over the pleasures and ease of Egypt, regarding the “disgrace” of Christ to be of greater value than the “treasures” of the world, because he was looking ahead for his reward. Hebrews 11

May you extol the Lord with all your heart in the council of the upright and in the gathering of the people, for the works of the Lord are great and they are pondered by all who delight in them; His deeds are glorious and majestic and His righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111

May you follow His precepts in the fear of the Lord that you may gain good understanding and begin your walk in wisdom, for to Him belongs eternal praise. Psalm 111

May you proclaim how holy and awesome His name is, for He provides redemption for His people, ordaining His covenant forever; He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them the victory of His inheritance and the faithful and just works of His hands, for all His precepts are trustworthy, steadfast for ever, and done in faithfulness and uprightness. Psalm 111
