What Are the Different Types of Scales Used for Car Weighing?

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What Are the Different Types of Scales Used for Car Weighing?

Several types of scales are used for car weighing, each with its own advantages and applications:  

Platform Scales

  • Weighbridges: These are large, stationary scales that can accommodate heavy vehicles, including trucks and buses. They are commonly used at weigh stations and logistics hubs.  
  • Drive-on Scales:These are portable scales that can be installed on a flat surface, such as a driveway or garage floor. They are suitable for weighing smaller vehicles, like cars and light trucks.

In-Motion Weighing Systems

  • These systems use sensors embedded in the road surface to measure the weight of vehicles as they pass over them. They are commonly used on highways and toll roads for efficient and continuous vehicle weighing.  

Pit Scales

  • These scales are installed in a pit below ground level, allowing vehicles to drive over them and be weighed accurately. They are often used in workshops and garages for precise vehicle weighing.

Bincen can offer you kinds of truck scales and weighbridges for your car weighing!
