Verse of the Day and Devotional 11/21/2019

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"I will give you every place where you set your foot as I promised Moses."  - Joshua 1:3 NIV

by Bible League International

Verse of the Day and Devotion

"I will give you every place where you set your foot as I promised Moses."  - Joshua 1:3 NIV


After Moses died, Joshua the son of Nun took over the leadership of the people of Israel. The Lord told him to lead the people across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. (Joshua 1:1-2) Then He spoke the words of our verse for today: "I will give you every place where you set your foot." After spelling out the limits of the Promised Land, the limits of the place where Joshua could set his foot, the Lord also said that no one would be able to stand against him and that He would always be with him. All Joshua had to do was to be strong and courageous. (Joshua 1:4-6)

Like Joshua, you have tasks that the Lord wants you to accomplish in life. He has placed you in various leadership roles and He expects you to carry out the assignments He has given to you in those areas. In effect, He's giving you every place where you set your foot in those areas. Like Joshua, He has also promised that He will back you up. No one will be able to stand against you and steal your authority away from you. He will always be with you to help you. All you need to do is to be strong and courageous.

Like Joshua, the Lord expects you to keep moving forward. If He's giving you every place where you set your foot in the various areas of your calling and responsibility, then you have to move forward and set your foot in them. That is, you have to move forward in the various areas and take up the responsibility of bringing the Lord's will to bear in them. Within the limits of your calling and authority, you have to move forward and establish what the Lord wants you to do. You've not been called to do whatever you want. You've been called to effectuate the will of the Lord.

Like Joshua, then, you can't stop. Stopping is the failure to set your foot. Stopping is the failure to take on your callings and responsibilities. It is, clearly, tantamount to disobedience. You may not always move forward at a brisk place. You may not avoid every obstacle or set-back. But you must always keep moving forward taking territory for the Lord.

Set your foot!

Til the Whole World Know
