RV Show season (also known as "smoke and mirrors season!" has arrived. Let the deception and desperation begin!
Is there EVER a reason to attend an RV show? Perhaps. You do get to see/ all the latest and greatest and compare models under one roof.
Should you ever buy at an RV show? Read and view my thoughts within - and I welcome YOUR thoughts and feedback at the bottom of my latest post...
Oh, and is NOW a good time to sell/buy an RV camper? I analyze this and share some data as well...

Fuel prices are falling - is this good news for RV owners? RV sellers? RV buyers? The answers are NOT as clear cut as you might expect. As always I have my own unique take on the situation - read... watch... and I WELCOME your thoughts afterwards!


A SERIOUS CONCERN for all RV'ers and RV campers who travel with e-bikes...


House Brand (private label) RV's - A BIG BEWARE to all RV buyers...

I'm getting settled into Southern Utah for the winter. I'll tell you MUCH more soon. For the moment, I guess you could call this a BIG consumer alert...

House Brand (Private Label) RV's are a BIG potential pitfall for many RV buyers. House brands are found in many different industries including audio-video, tires, RV's and more.

House Brands are NOT a good thing for YOU the consumer! In my video and post at rvacrossamerica.net/housebrandrv I explain why.

After reading/viewing, I welcome your thoughts! Please post to YouTube or my website - I read all and respond to all!


All the best (and ski season starts TOMORROW 11/8),

Small Town Life - The Black Sheep Coffee Shop and its impact upon Duchesne Utah...

An old friend suggested I interview Sonora at Black Sheep Coffee and do a "deep dive" on Duchesne, Utah. So... I did just that!

Sonora and I talked about her Black Sheep Coffee shop and its importance to the town. In our discussion, I learned more about the locals in this "frontier" town and how her shop serves them.

Join me in our discussion and a walk down "main street"...


A group FOR RV'ers, BY RV'ers - all about RV'ing Across America and loving life from the comfort of your RV (motorhome, travel trailer, 5th wheel, truck camper)