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RECENTLY . . . "A Great Day in Milwaukee" organized by the Milwaukee Jazz Institute in The Milwaukee Center in Milwaukee, WI.

This is a gathering of the Milwaukee jazz community featuring many legendary jazz musicians who have entertained our community for decades.

This portrait is a tribute to the famous "A Great Day in Harlem" portrait of jazz greats created in 1958.

Talk about a challenging group portrait!!!

Photo by Bill Sargent of Milwaukee Headshots and Photos Limited.



Virtually all my performances are private and closed to the public. The last time The Bill Sargent Big Band did a public event was two years ago. Therefore I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE AND INVITE YOU TO . . .

Dance to the Beat & Live the Dream Our Next Event is Swing Music and Dance In Milwaukee on June 23, 2023, 7 PM - 11 PM Get Tickets!
✅Live music from the hottest swing band in town!
✅Dancing to the ’20s, ’30s, and 40’s music!
✅A chance to dress up in your favorite swing-era outfit!
✅Delicious hors d’oeuvres and refreshments all night long!
✅Cash Bar!
✅Casino Games!
✅Photo Booth and More!
Save 10% and get a chance to win Summerfest or State Fair Tickets! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/607926052187


Über Uns

Jazz music!
- Classic Jazz
- Traditional Jazz
- Dixieland Jazz
- New Orleans Jazz
- Great American Songbook Jazz
- Big Band Jazz

No be-bop, cool, modern, progressive, fusion, new age, smooth, or latin jazz.