Have A Good Day, "I Am Convinced"
Romans 8:38,39 Amp. Bible
38. For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced---beyond any doubt] nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers,
39. nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It really amazes me that the Democrats enjoy living in fear. For some reason they fear Pres. Trump, saying that he will destroy Democracy. Where in reality the Democrats have already damage Democracy. As I am concern Presidents use Executive Orders more than they were meant to be used. The use of pardons during Pres. Biden's end of his Presidency went far from what pardons are used for. The use of law-fare against Trump was uncalled for. Just to help stop Trump. Oops! That didn't work. Fortunately for Pres. Trump true Democracy was shown when the people decided to elect him for being the next President.
As for Executive Orders they have been used to make policy. Not what they were intended to be used for. They were intended to be used when an emergency arose and immediate action was need, because Congress might be out of session and they couldn't act on a solution. We have seen that a Executive Orders are only temporary solution to situation that have come about. Which is the reason that Pres. Biden could put Pres. Trump Executive Order aside and do away with them. Just like Pres. Trump is doing the same thing now. It will be hard for Pres. Trump to change some of Biden's policies because they went through Congress and they voted for the policy. So to change them Pres. Trump will have to go through Congress to amend them or change them.
As for Pardons, it is suppose to be used for people that have been convicted of a crime. Not for people that have not been charged or might be charged for a crime. Not a Democracy form of operating.
Remember that a person is innocent until they have been convicted of a crime. So only those that have been convicted qualify for a pardon. So some of the people that got pardons were not convicted of a crime. Just the fear that they might have to face the law to see if they did anything wrong. Not the way Democracy works.
For us that want to have good days, we do not fear. But put our faith, trust, in the Lord.
Oh, Well, That's Life!
Have A Good Day, with Christ,
John Dowds Thomas
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