I hope everyone had a Happy "John 3:16 Day" yesterday! ✝️
One scripture proves everything: "God so loved the world that he gave his 'monogenes' son." - John 3:16
ARTICLE LINK: https://www.thelightinthedarkp....lace.com/one-scriptu

I hope everyone had a Happy "John 3:16 Day" yesterday! ✝️
One scripture proves everything: "God so loved the world that he gave his 'monogenes' son." - John 3:16
ARTICLE LINK: https://www.thelightinthedarkp....lace.com/one-scriptu
The Origin of Life and the Transmutation of the Human Race http://bit.ly/2MaE0Tw
"All of the elements of sacred geometry from the world around us coordinate with the Bible and explain the origin of human life. The human race has slowly been undergoing transmutation and is now spiritually manifesting into a new species."
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There is a sculpture of Lucifer inside the Vatican
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What is the Truth? Pay Very Close Attention – The #truth Will Make You Free (Video)
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The Whore of Revelation Was Hidden Inside the Infamous ‘Creation of Adam’ by Michelangelo! #jesussaves #video
The light is greater than darkness!
This page is dedicated to the articles at https://www.thelightinthedarkplace.com/
Shining the light of Christ that exposes the darkness of this world in hopes "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
- Jesus Christ (Acts 26:18 KJV Holy Bible)