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This an excerpt from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. If you don't believe that there's a fake form of Christianity based on a false sense of truth, maybe this will help.

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."

"In accordance with how Satan works". I've written about this so many times. Satan wants to be God, so he uses God's own words and twists them into a false sense of truth. So people believe they're hearing the Word of God, but it is a manipulation of the truth. It sounds good, it looks good and it may even make you feel good, but it's a lie. And if the Truth is not in us we eat it up like candy corns. And instead of having a developing relationship with Christ, we have developed a relationship with a familiar spirit. Not of God, and not for our salvation. But for our destruction. The antichrist WILL NOT COME TO KILL CHRISTIANS. He will come to fulfill the work of drawing people to a fake Jesus.
Everything that is occurring is preparing you to be ready to receive a "messiah". And those who have believed the lie will welcome a fake jesus with open arms. Read it, search it out! It's right in front of us. Jesus warned us over and over of false prophets. False PROPHETS. Prophets supposedly of Him. In fact Paul starts out 2 Thessalonians 2 with a warning of a false message supposedly from him. They were doing it then, and they are doing it now. Read your Bibles. It is the only thing that will save us.

"For by grace we are saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
"Faith comes by hearing, the hearing of the Word of God."
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Faith only comes from the written Word of God, and His Spirit bares witness to that Word. No other. If there is no Word, there is no Spirit. And if there is no Spirit, there is no rebirth. "For you must be born again by the Spirit." This is why modern Christianity "lacks the power thereof".This is why evil is growing and the Church is dwindling.
So I challenge you today to get on your knees and get serious with God. I don't care how long you've been a Christian. I don't care how long you've gone to church. It's time to be revived by the Spirit of the Living God!

Many of you will have no idea what in the world I'm talking about, but it may be one of the most important things you will come to understand if you choose to. I'm going to share a picture of 3 Greek symbols, and then I'm going to try and explain what they mean, and where they came from.
Since I can't write them using my keyboard, I'm going to share a picture and then show you their current translation.

So in the original Greek writing, it was written as seen in the first picture. It is translated as:
So I did a little research on these words and their meaning. As with many cultures, words have multiple uses and are sometimes defined by how it's used, or by applying the different meanings to the content of what is being written about. So, here's what I found.

Chi- This is the pronunciation of the first character in the first picture. It is pronounced as it looks. Chi. The symbol is used to represent a number, but Chi has a few different uses. The one that caught my eye was, this is used in the Greek to describe the person of Christ, and is what the word Christmas is derived from.

Xi- This is the pronunciation of the second symbol in the first picture. It is pronounced Zi. This symbol also represents a number and the word Xi is actually pretty astonishing. It is used in molecular physics and is also used for the Temporal region of the human forehead, right between the eyes.

Stigma- Stigma is pronounced exactly as it sounds. Stigma also has a few different meanings, but is mainly concentrated around the same process. To stick, prick, cut, or brand. It was also used to represent a number as well.
Some of you may be figuring this out by this point, but I will try to put it together for you.

So, if you put these 3 words meanings together here's what you get.

Chi- Christ's Xi- Temporal Stigma- Brand

Pretty cool huh? At least it sounds cool right?
But here's where it gets ugly. Here are the numerical meanings for each word.

Chi- 600 Xi- 60. Stigma- 6 yup. six hundred, three score, and six. 666.

In fact, this combination of symbols is only found in one verse in the Bible.
Revelation 13:18. The mark of the beast.

I've been telling some people for a while now that the Antichrist is not going to seem bad at all. In fact, he's going to stand in the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God. The problem is that there's too many people that believe a new temple will have to be built for him to accomplish this. But that's not true. The word temple in 2 Thessalonians 2 where this scripture comes from, is translated from the word Naos. The word Naos was used to describe the Holy of Holies where God himself dwelt. Not the temple structure, but the most sacred part where His Spirit resided.
Paul wrote, Do you not know that you are the Temple of God? We are the Temple of God. So what this verse is actually telling us is that the antichrist will stand in the midst of us, the church, the Temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.
I know that most of you won't like that, but that's why the Bible says, Search the scriptures for in them you believe you have eternal life.

The antichrist is not going to be anti- Christ. The word antichrist isn't even in the Bible. But the most accurate translation is a Fake christ. Or a clone, copy, or whatever you want to call it.

The antichrist will be a false Christian who will quote twisted scriptures and call all to him in the name of God. And just as Revelation says that Jehovah will mark His people on their foreheads, so will the antichrist to those who believe his lies.

Chi-Xi-Stigma. Christ's Temporal Brand. The mark of the beast.



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