It seems like we are locked into a time of worry and concern. It may be politics or the plague, economic uncertainties or just missing something during the holiday season.
We are here to let you know, it does not have to be. Regardless of your surroundings, slow down and take a moment. Turn off the news. Stop listening to the constant bombardment of fear, anger, angst and hate. Just for a moment, close your eyes, tune out the world and just breathe. A few simple long and deep breaths. Find that inner peace, even if only for a moment. You need it even if you don't realize that you do. Take the time to reevaluate and engage in life again.
It is our gift to have this life, all the beauty and glory that is gifted to us. Remember that. This life, this gift is yours and yours alone. Starting today, make it a priority to focus on the happiness not the hate, focus on the positive not the negative focus on all that you do have not what you believe is missing.
Day by day, keep this intention, keep this focus. It will amaze you on how fast the wheels turn your mind, your heart and therefore your life's direction a new.
God bless America and you.

Über Uns

We are a family learning, sharing and teaching the benefits of Urban Farming and self sufficiency in a time when we all need to get back to basics.