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32. “Music" MATTHEW TELL ME ABOUT HEAVEN – The Off-Planet Origins of Music Here on Earth! Our greatest classical composers were actually given much of their greatest inspirations from Heavenly beings! And guess what?... It turns out that dark forces really did create heavy metal, hard rock and some jazz music to throw off our balance and therefore our ability to absorb light. Matthew Ward was a boy here on earth who passed away in a car accident in 1980 at the age of seventeen. Nearly fourteen years later he began regular conversations with his mother from Heaven via telepathic communication, who at that time had been a devout Christian for thirty-five years and knew nothing about telepathy. He told her that this was all meant to happen (including his passing) so that he and others throughout the universe could provide her, as a journalist, with the real answers people would be needing regarding the true situation of our planet and what's really going on in the world now. So much was revealed to her over the years including not only the true history of our civilization, but the REAL story of God and the creation of our universe, religion, the countless living beings throughout the galaxy that have been helping us for so long in such profound ways, and about the great many truths that have been kept from us for so very long. These amazing and highly important messages were compiled into a series of five printed books known throughout the world as The Matthew Books, and now, new audio/video chapters of them all are being brought to you here for free every week in their entirety to help, calm, guide and most importantly empower us in this most amazing time in the universe. Please just listen to the words from deep inside your soul, and you’ll soon realize there is something very real and very special here that can help not only yourself, but a great many people as well. No money is made on this channel, and none of the videos here will ever be monetized. This is a place of love and all of you are so very welcome here.

March 3, 2025

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence. In concert with action in your solar system, your galaxy and on into the universe, a great deal is taking place behind the global curtain, but the most important action is within souls.

The reduction in low vibrations raised Earth’s frequencies and they are “downloading” codes—doorways to the mind of Creator—to elevate conscious contact with soul-level knowingness. You will rejoice in the Aha! moments of self-discovery and the sensation of being connected with everything around you. You will marvel as your intuition provides answers you need if you ask within. You will stop wondering how it is possible to be and start wholly believing that you are, in fact, embodied light, an eternal multidimensional divine sovereign soul with unlimited powers who is enjoying a physical lifetime as a human.

Assimilating the higher frequencies’ exciting new level of awareness is a thrust forward in evolution, but in adjusting to the energy, your dense bodies may experience natural and short-lived reactions such as exhaustion, flu-like symptoms, moodiness, muddled thinking, forgetfulness, anxiety and sadness.

As often as possible be in Nature or with companion animals—the plant and animal kingdoms, except for humankind, emit high vibrations that relieve stress. Get sufficient rest, stay hydrated, eat lightly, exercise mildly, enjoy lighthearted entertainment and, as you breathe rhythmically, remember that only efforts with light as their foundation can be lasting.

The new, higher frequencies cannot help you make sense of the sea of speculations, opinions, misinterpretations, misleading reports, outright lies and actual facts, which are only the tips of icebergs. Please do not give any energy to the publicized worrisome spread of bird flu, measles outbreak or bats in Wuhan could have a new strain of corona virus foolishness. Until the dark ones draw their last breath, they will keep trying to kill you with vaccines, make money from selling vaccines, and create fear about a new pandemic before new vaccines are ready.

Dear ones, ignore that old programming—divest yourselves of all programming! Its intention is to keep you feeling helpless and behaving in accordance with what “authorities” tell you. That long dark era is over. It will become a dismal chapter in Earth’s section of the universal history book.

Read more.

Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com.


All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on www.matthewbooks.com. Please share them.

Matthew Books YouTube channel.

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The Man Who Could Fly, UFO Inquiring Minds Live Meetup, 3-9-25, 6pm, Elmers, 16087 SE 82nd Dr. Clackamas, Oregon. #portlandoregon #ufo #meetup #paranormal #nightlife


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