REVIVAL - "An act or instance of reviving: the state of being revived: such as
a - Renewed attention or interest in something.
b - a new presentation or publication of something old.
c - a renewed religious interest
We need a REVIVAL in our churches today!
The greatest problem in the United States is that Christians have gotten away from following Jesus Christ.
A "revival" calls for Christians to return to studying and living by what Jesus taught and did. The "Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series" covers every event in the life and teachings of Jesus from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
We are looking for partners who want to help turn our nation back to Christ. We are looking for you to help us tell others about how they can build a more Passionate, Personal and Powerful relationship with our LORD, Savior and role model - Jesus Christ.
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to do something BIG for Jesus? I welcome the opportunity to talk with you about teaching Christians about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and turning this nation back to its Christain foundations. Pray about what you are to do and then contact me at
VIsit our website & download a free eBook with the first ten lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series at:
Lets talk!
God Bless!

The Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series is ALL about ALL that Jesus taught and did.

The Jesus movement of the early 70’s was successful because people were hungry for Jesus to learn about him and to follow him. The Asbury revival is successful today because people are hungry to worship and follow Jesus. The Walking With Jesus Bible study was written to help you follow Jesus!

The Great commission (Matthew 28:18-2 calls us to teach them to observe everything I have commanded you. Walking With Jesus Bible study teaches everything about the life and teachings of Jesus as found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Go to and start your journey with Jesus today.
#jesus, #matthew, #mark, #luke, #john, #greatcommission, #jesusrevolution, #asbury, #bible,


Jesus taught the first disciples. He also taught them by word and action on how to live in a way that loved God and loved man. Look how they turned out – committed to living for Jesus and telling others about Him (until death stopped them). What would it mean to your church to have those kinds of disciples in your congregation or small group?
Walking With Jesus is a complete Bible study of every event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It covers everything that Jesus wants us to know and live by. He showed and taught how to love. He taught us how to interact with others in this world. He showed us how to conquer temptation and refrain from sin.
Walking With Jesus is a life-changing three-year journey with Jesus as we walk through every event recorded in the four Gospels and see how it applies to our lives today. We catch a glimpse of the life-changing message that God came to earth for.
Walking With Jesus does not require advance preparation but includes tools to help you along the way and deepen your study.
Walking With Jesus is for building a more Passionate, Personal and Powerful relationship with our LORD, Savior, and role model – Jesus Christ.
Get started today. Go to www.wwj.bibleand download the free eBook that contains the first ten lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series. Then get your friends together, order Walking With Jesus – Volume 1 and get started on your journey with Jesus to learn how to become more like Him.
#jesus,#disciple, #god, #man, #church, #matthew, #mark, #luke, #john, #journey, #temptation, #love, #gospel, #lord, #savior, #rolemodel, #passionate, #personal, #powerful, #relationship,


Calling #america to Turn Back to Jesus
By Dr. Glen M. Copple, Minister of the Word
Let’s get something started to bring a “#Revival” to the United States. Most #christians will agree that we need another “Great Awakening” to call Christians back to being followers of Jesus Christ and restoring the Christian heritage that established our #nation in the first place and has been a key factor in our national greatness. You can start right where you are and lay the groundwork for a revival like the world has not seen since the early days of the Church.
A “Great Awakening” occurs when significant numbers of people “wake up” and realize that they need to change their lives. A “revival” is when people realize that they have been going down the “wrong path” and make an effort to return to the “right path”. Jewish history (in the Old Testament) is full of stories of when Israel realized that they weren’t walking right with God and remembered, repented, returned to following God. We need to Remember, Repent and Return to following Jesus Christ.
How do you start a revival? How do you create a “Great Awakening”?
1. You go back to the origin and seek what started it all. Christianity was started by Jesus Christ when He established His church (Kingdom) by dying on the cross for the sins of those who repent, raising Himself from the dead (to prove He has power over death) and commissioned the Apostles to go and preach the Gospel – “Teaching them to observe ALL that I (Jesus) have told you”. (Matthew 28:2
2. The next step will be to engage in a study of every event in the life and teachings of Jesus to see what He taught and did and how we can become more like Him.
a. But who has the time to put all four Gospels together chronologically, divide it into 160 lessons, add photographs, maps, charts, discussion questions, etc. to make a complete study of each event in Jesus’ life?
b. You will want to look for a Bible study that has done all of this for you in advance so all you have to do is buy the books, read and benefit.
3. Then it is time to take what you have learned and tell others so that they may also come to an understanding on how God wants them to live.
4. You tell others locally, and across the nation, about how they can become a part of this “Revival” / “Great Awakening”. With your efforts, soon churches across America will return to studying and following Christ. (“Christians In Name Only” will likewise Remember, Repent and Return to being true followers of Jesus.
What will happen when the revival comes?
1. Christians will start living like true followers of Christ. They will repent of those things that they are doing that are what the non-Christians do. They will become models that others will want to emulate.
2. Christians who are following Jesus will stand up for what is right and truth in their communities and hold their community leaders to follow God’s moral absolutes. They will uphold the law!
3. Christians who are following Jesus will be involved in government – encouraging government leaders to abide by God’s standards of right and wrong instead of inventing their own.
a. The crime and evil in our cities will be significantly reduced.
b. The corruption in our government will be stopped.
c. The overall lawlessness that has become so common place will go away.
d. Communities will again become safe and pleasant places to live.
e. Marriages will be strengthened. Families will be more stable and wholesome environments in which to raise children.
f. The sexual immorality and all that is a result of it will diminish significantly. (Along with a reduction of abortions, prostitution, rape, adultery, and all other sexual sins.)
How can YOU be a part of this “Revival” / “Great Awakening”?
1. By getting your friends together and starting a Walking With Jesus Bible Study group to study and follow all that Jesus taught and did.
2. Ordering the Walking With Jesus Bible study books and picking a time and date to get started.
3. Reading through each lesson together and discussing what it means to you.
Why “Walking With Jesus”?
1. Walking With Jesus is a complete Bible study of every event in the life of Christ as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
2. Walking With Jesus is non-denominational. It focuses only on what Jesus taught and did.
3. Walking With Jesus is “turn-key”, ready to use. No preparation or advance reading is necessary. Just open to the lesson together in your group, read and discuss.
4. Walking With Jesus does not skip over anything that is recorded in the four Gospels. Every miracle, parable, healing, teaching is covered.
Go to and download the free eBook. It contains the first ten lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series. See how the lessons are written. See how easy it is to read and apply each lesson as you progress through each event in Jesus’ life.

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Walking With Jesus is a complete Bible study of every event in the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Build a more Passionate, Personal and Powerful relationship with our LORD, Savior and role model - Jesus Christ - so we will become more like Him.