Has mainstream medicine failed to bring you answers to your pain and symptoms?

There are now more than 80 autoimmune diseases with increasing prevalence. Most doctors only offer pharmaceuticals (often with dangerous side effects) and have a limited ability to accurately diagnose the underlying causes of autoimmunity, Lyme disease or other chronic conditions.

But true healing is possible. There are solutions, and there are physicians who treat each person’s unique biology to maximize their healing potential.

It’s time to redefine what we expect from ourselves and our medical system.

Empower yourself with the knowledge to heal by witnessing the stories of those who have navigated the healing journey, and gaining insights from the physicians and practitioners who helped them along the way. The Lighting the Path Film and Series is online and FREE from January 11-17, 2021.

This event will provide you with all the information you need to understand:

- Why nutrition is an essential foundation to build your healing power
- Links between environmental toxins, inflammation and autoimmunity
-Optimizing your biology with technology
-How true healing requires a broad look at all systems of the body
-The importance of unravelling trapped emotions and energy
-Connection between trauma, stress and illness
-How thoughts and emotions can affect your biology
-Healing potential of the right support system and community
-Latest diagnostics and testing to create your unique healing protocol
-And so much more!

Join The Lighting the Path Film and Series, online and free from January 11-17, 2021!

Join The Lighting the Path Film and Series, online and free from January 11-17, 2021!

Empower yourself with the knowledge to heal by witnessing the stories of those who have navigated the healing journey, and gaining insights from the physicians and practitioners who helped them along the way.


Welcome to the Wellness with Darcy usa.life group!
The purpose of this group is to educate, inform and enlighten each other on topics regarding nutrition and wellness. I hope you find this wellness group helpful in guiding you to make healthier choices for you and your family. I look forward to hearing from you and if there are specific topics of health and nutrition interest that you would like more information on, please message me or feel free to post them so we can engage in conversation - learning and getting healthier together!