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We Will Not Comply
22 „Gefällt mir“ Angaben

I'm hoping to compile a list here of specific entities and businesses that are requiring employees to get the COVID shot or are refusing service to customers unless they have gotten it. If you know of any, please make mention of them in the comments! Once we get several I'll put them in a list that visitors can download and refer to with ease. Thanks for your support and contribution!


In addition to these findings, it's just recently been confirmed that the jab contains SNAKE VENOM elements derived from the king cobra and krait. All of a sudden the organ inflammation and heart failure make a lot more sense. It's also speculated that the jab inserts snake DNA into our genetic code. What a fitting scheme for this satanic network of global tyranny.

History in the making!! If you're participating in this or another convoy, please feel free to post pics or share any stories or info of interest!

God bless the truckers and others in Canada who are taking a united stand against tyranny in the Freedom Convoy! I was thrilled to see this come together, and I'm excited about the convoy that's being organized in the US and other countries as well. The communists have been attacking the US convoy's funding sources and the pages on which they were communicating on sites like Facebook, but we're not about to let this stop them. Last I heard, it's going to begin somewhere around the 1st of March in CA and make its way to DC. If anyone knows of a specific site/group/page/forum where we can get reliable updates about this, please post in the comments!


Über Uns

A page for patriots to band together in protest against COVID mandates. No one should be pressured, coerced, or forced to get a shot as a condition of employment or doing business.