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Even Uniformitarians And Evolutionists Can’t Escape Evidence Of A Global Flood

Blogpost Highlights:

“Young Earth Creationists and evolutionists have the same geologic features set before them, but both will interpret what they see differently. The evolutionists will claim, even when admitting that there were times when landmasses were once submerged in water, that the sedimentary and strata layers we see were laid down over a gradual period of time or at least in several stages but Creationists will insist that these things happened much more rapidly via the global flood written about in the book of Genesis.”

“But one thing for certain is that would not be possible for there to be sedimentary or strata layers of a marine nature spanning entire continents, including regions far inland, nor for the fossils of marine life to be found in places far away from the ocean unless they were all somehow deposited there and that would have required ocean waters to have prevailed and dominated the continents at some point in history…”

Contender's Edge: Even Uniformitarians And Evolutionists Can’t Escape Evidence Of A Global Flood

  Ken Ham, founder of Answers In Genesis , wrote a piece in a publication called Harbinger’s Daily showing how evolutionists and uniformita...

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This group is for those who believe in The Creator of The Bible, believe he is who he is said to be, that Jesus/Yeshua is his son, and that this place, all that once was originally "very good", was created by The Creator. However not only; it is also for those who have questions to ask about Creation/The Creator(the "idea" or whatever, as some may say). It's basically a free speech group, albeit under The Creator's authority(though how that is determined, well, may basically come down to my interp on things I guess