Sweet Jesus, You're all we have in this mess of life we're forced into! It's been months Jesus, of fake news and lies, conspiracy theories, and EXPOSED TRUTHS! DARK TO LIGHT, Jesus! ... and so we thank You! They came to rob us of our Peace, Jesus! They came to suck the Truth out of us! Oh, but YOUR TRUTH prevailed! YOUR PEACE prevailed! They came to rob us of one another, of our families, of our sanity ... Sweet Jesus! So many of us have fallen into a pit of sorrow, Lord! Oh Lord, help us! For they came 'prophesying a dark winter', JESUS! ... oh! But they don't know! They don't know YOUR LIGHT! YOUR LIGHT that shines within us for all the World to see! Your Counsel which overcomes the sorrow and the dread ... and Your Promised Peace and LIFE! For us Lord, Your people, there will never be a dark Winter! Oh no! And this year especially You send us Your Christmas Star ... to remind us all... that YOU are with us! That YOU will never leave us nor forsake us... that YOU will always guide us, YOUR children, in the LIGHT OF YOUR TRUTH! Thank You Jesus! Please remind us when we start to fall, that YOU hold us up WITH YOUR RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND, and that no power in Heaven or Hell can ever pluck us out of Your Loving Hand! In JESUS NAME we pray! Amen!

Have a blessed day everyone! Always remember that YOU are LOVED! Dancing Dove


Über Uns

Welcome to my page! God is so very good! Let us edify one another in His Word! The day draws nigh that Jesus will come to take us home! A'ho!