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I'm Chuck Nellis!
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I don't care what 'race' you are, we're all part of the human race.
You're either cool, alright, or an a-hole in my view.


The chances of someone being pure-blooded anything is infinitesimal.
I am about as Anglo-Saxon-looking as you could guess.
Or so I thought.
Then I got my DNA tested.
I'm as much a mutt as you can get.
Heck, I've even got some North African in me.

What could possibly go wrong at an Olympic games in Paris with all of the Muslim rioting and unrest, could it?
Remember Munich?
I do.

God warned humanity would degenerate in the end times.
We have a first-row seat watching it.
The road to hell is wide.
The path to heaven is narrow.
Don't follow the crowd of immorality to hell.


I❤️Jesus, our Constitution, USA, & family * US Navy Veteran ⚓️ * Patriot * #KAG #CruzCrew #NRA #NASCAR