Thats why im here - i wrote that only germans are so dumb to spend money for eveyone who claims that he is poor and enters our country
2015 many germans using Facebook to discuss the new immigrant Wave coming in from Syria - many germans came the the conclusion that germany forces syria people to come into germany. so many germans react angry on that. at the end of 2015 German Television TV stations broadcasting a purly left tv Program famouse newspapers like Bild and Stern following this new standard of journalism. the Situation escalated so much in the social Networks that one Censoring Shithead names Heiko Maas (SPD Party) invited Mark Zuckerberg to germany to obtain the full control of Facebooks User Interfaces so that people from the SPD Foundation called Antonio Amadeus Stiftung have full controll of german users on Facebook.
2019 germans famous companys who had success once begin to colapse because being left is not enough for the CDU rules german Government they started to get green - and this is caused by a mistake - so germany was a long time behind Internet and IT Technologies so the CDU Party decided to make an own Facebook Page and stuff but on this time Facebook was allready left/green poluted, while the offline germans wanted traditional Values, the CDU searched Facebook the see what germans realy want- well they found veganism immigrant love and Greta Lovers, so CDU/german Government now thinks that most germans are gooders in general and so they have done everything till now to destroy their own countrys economy
actually Companys like Daimler and Volkswagen have so hard Problems that their supplier companys have to dismiss many of their employees or stop work periods on saturdays - in 2023 heating with oil will be forbidden, taxes on cars will raise, Gasoline will cost 38 cents more per galion - people are forced to buy electric cars no mather if they can afford it or not. actually green organisations forced the government to make a law which says that is forbidden for diesel cars to pass directly through Main Citys of germany if they have not a green sticker on their front.
actually as german you do not realy have any rights, if you are muslim you will get a flat first, you will recive extra money you will get money for children, free wifi and mobile and courses - if you kill someone you will get one year jail with probation or you come free becausethey say he has a psycholocical traume from his escape. if you are a german you are ****ed hard and anal, if you say something about immigrants which sounds not good then you have to pay if you say something negative on facebook then you are blocked for 30 days, you think china has worse humanity rights, you have never encountered german left/green democracy
sorry for my bad english its not my native language
#unfairness #germans fakeworld #nofakenews #democracy #greens #controll #censorship