The Trump Derangement Syndrome Choir Practicing Their Last Whining for January 20th
The Trump Derangement Syndrome Choir Practicing Their Last Whining for January 20th
NOW ON UGETUBE, an alternative video streaming platform that supports 1stA! #sing4freedom #billofrights
Guess who finally quit smoking?
Since I am shutting down my Ning sites, I am inviting all of my members to join us on USA.LIFE. Invitations have been sent via a broadcast message to all 3,067 members.
We will see how many respond. Those that do are the few faithful of the flock. As much as I would like all of them to join us here, I doubt all of them will, as only a handful have been using either site. USA.LIFE has the best of everything, including being mobile-friendly. Here's hoping they all surprise me and the entire membership shows-up.