Please, help me learn, how do I get started here, making and joining groups?
Please, help me learn, how do I get started here, making and joining groups?
IF this is advertised and touted as a “Christian Alternative Platform to FaceBook”, then why am I seeing so very many rude and acussative non Christian posts here ? ? ?
People are dying without Jesus,
and the church is debating other issues.
It’s time for us to wake up
and remember that the gospel
is more important than anything.
The gospel is more important than our preferences.
It’s more important than our politics.
It’s more important than anything else.
The gospel is our message to our culture.
- Greg Laurie
Copied from Randy Shepherd
Crossfire Ministries
Why can I NOT check in here on my iPhone 8+?
It gives me a message saying that my e-mail is already being used, or saying Wrong username or password. Try again or Create an Account to join???