Lincoln Rogers Sharing the West Cover Image
Lincoln Rogers Sharing the West Profile Picture
Lincoln Rogers Sharing the West
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Welcome to Lincoln Rogers' Writing & Photography page! Thanks for stopping by. This page is created to provide links to my published writing and photography and is separate from my personal page. You can also visit my blog on Word Press --

I work as a freelance writer and photographer who shares the pulse of the American West through photography, articles, cowboy poetry, and short fiction. Over the last 15+ years, thousands of my photographs, articles, poems, and short fiction have been published in dozens of magazines and websites, including but not limited to: Western Horseman, The Fence Post, Persimmon Hill, The Wrangler, Working Ranch,, GRIT, Ketchpen, Barrel Horse News, Maverick Press, Colorado Life, etc.

I hope you enjoy my published photography and writing. I appreciate you stopping by.