Honest skeptics...no its not a contradiction. But these days they are real rarities and such a pleasure to come across. #jody
Scripture study: 1 Kings 10
"The Queen of Sheba heard the rumors of Solomon's wisdom and fame and had to go test him out. She came up with all sorts of hard questions and nothing was outside of Solomon's ability to answer. Then she realized the rumors weren't exaggerations but rather under-representations of what was really going on.
The Queen of Sheba was unlike most of the skeptics I've met. She wanted the truth and she wanted honest answers. It's very difficult to find an honest skeptic who hears the truth and wants to investigate it to find out if its so. Most skeptics today are just looking for reasons to not believe, and really don't want to see what the real case is. This is why Jesus said not to throw pearls of wisdom before the swine (Matthew 7:6) who will just trample them. A lesson I learned from Adrian Rogers in his sermon: "No Other Way to Heaven Other Than Jesus" (on YouTube) echoes the truth of Scripture. "Light received yields more light. Light rejected yields darkness."
God has given every person enough truth to be held responsible for it. Through the testimony of Creation and the testimony of the conscious, every man has witness of God. It's not enough to save them but it is enough to damn them. Because if they reject the truth of creation and conscious, they certainly won't be interested in the weightier matters of the special revelation of the Gospel and the Cross. So when you find someone that expressly shows a lack of interest in the truth and keeps moving from one topic to another, they don't want the truth so any further truth you give them will be a waste of time and breath. If they want the truth, they'll seek it, they'll ask honest questions and they'll search out whether it's so. The Queen of Sheba did that. God is not afraid of an honest seeker. And neither am I. If I don't know the answers, I'm not afraid to say I don't know it. But most of the time, the skeptic throws low speed softballs that are easy to hit and usually those "questions" aren't questions, but statements. They also tend to just demonstrate precisely what I am talking about in the attempt to "refute" me. If we don't know what's going on, be as the Queen of Sheba. Go search it out. If someone is following the example of the Queen of Sheba, be ready to give an answer for what you believe and why you believe it."