I have 106 acres in far west Texas available for any faithful Orthodox Christian to seek shelter in times of need. Right now all I have there is my own small cabin but RV hookups are being put in. It has electricity and septic in place and a well will be drilled within the next couple of months. There is a 1000 gallon water tank and water delivery at present. If someone needs a place they are welcome to one of the RV hookups. It’s my way of stewardship to others. The nearest Orthodox churches are 2 hrs west in El Paso and 2 hrs east in Alpine but Sunday trips to El Paso are made.

I'm an Orthodox Christian living in Panama City Beach, FL.

Hi I'm deborah from fort worth attending St john Baptist in Euless

Hello! My name is Samuel Gardner Berry and I am an Orthodox Christian (and UPS retiree) from Statesville, N.C.
5 ans - Youtube

Is your church run by globalist sympathizers? TAKE THE TEST. Listen to this sermons and see if you can spot some of the signs.

1) "How to drive the Globalists out of our Churches?":

2) "The Communists Want to Subvert You!":

3) "State idolatry":

4) "Globalism: How Does God See It":


Orthodox Christians are pre-denominational, pre-Reformation, the first worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the first martyrs.