DO YOU EVER WONDER why we are living on the third rock from the sun? Do you know how we got here? With all of the chatter, noise and educational opinions about life out there in the world, are you somewhat confused or just not sure what you believe? Do you have doubt, confusion, even some depression, or know someone who is trying to keep from drowning in fear. Maybe you personally know someone who just needs to “Get Grounded” in reality? This book "Whosoever" will change their life. Check it out at:


Since you can't go to Church we are offering this eBook for only .99 cents, FREE to Kindle Unlimited at: ( ) DO YOU EVER WONDER why we are living on the third rock from the sun? Do you know how we got here? With all of the chatter, noise and educational opinions about life out there in the world, are you somewhat confused or just not sure what you believe? Do you have doubt, confusion, even some depression, or know someone who is trying to keep from drowning in fear. Maybe you personally know someone who just needs to “Get Grounded” in reality? This book will clear the fog and bring you into the light.


Hi Ladies! ??☺️ I hope this is okay to share.

I’m a runner, and Jesus speaks to me most clearly when I’m pounding the pavement, which has made my evening run a very sacred, (if sweaty lol,) part of my life. I used to be really into online running groups, (sharing running stats, memes, stories, pictures, etc.) but they were all on Facebook and Instagram. Now that I’ve switched over to I wanted to start a fresh group for Christian runners to share all of the above, as well as scriptures and testimonies of Christ. I know I can’t be the only one who literally RUNS to find Jesus, so let’s run to Him together! ✝️??‍♀️?

(Joggers, walkers, bikers, hikers, and treadmill users absolutely 100% welcome!)

5 ans - Youtube

I pray all is well This is the first documentary in our homeless series called least of these I pray it touches your heart. We only want to help those in need.


This group is for those seeking to be a Proverbs 31 woman! (That means you need to be a WOMAN) We will focus on Jesus being our Source, maintaining a clear conscience before God, the role of women in our marriage, family, church and reaching our culture with the Gospel message! Our goal is to edify ALL women! Our righteousness is found in Jesus Christ! We want to be gracious to each other- It’s more about the journey!