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Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’

Not only is our Constitution being violated by a Globalist Dem-Marxist tyranny, but as one of the victors of WWII America is one of many signatories to the anti-NAZI science experimentation that has brought us the Nuremberg Code ALSO violated by Medical Tyranny. Here’s the video with the details Dem-Marxists and Globalist science would rather you not watch: https://bit.ly/3GAfHWU
#nurembergviolations #constitutionviolations #medicaltyranny


Canadians Can Show Americans How to RESIST Tyranny

SUMMARY: Canada allegedly has a representative government but you wouldn’t know it by some of the severe Medical Tyranny imposed on its citizens over a CCP COVID virus that has had a 99% survival rate prior to the imposition of dubiously effective and significantly dangerous mRNA Jabs.

WELL…I pray Americans wake at least to the same degree as Canadians as a Freedom Convoy of Truckers have been travelling from the West coast to Canada’s capital city of Ottawa to protest Mandates. Along the Truckers have been vilified with lies by its own government and a Left oriented press.

GoFundMe has been exposed as part of the Left Stream Liars by freezing donations given in the millions to help finance the Freedom Convoy. FORTUNATELY, another … MORE TO READ: https://slantedright2.blogspot.....com/2022/02/canadia
#freedomconvoy #givesendgo


Election 2020: A Pathetic State of Affairs

Justin Smith is looking to American Patriots willing to withstand tyranny inflicted on Americans. In this case the mounting evidence still pooh-poohed by Dem-Marxists, RINOs and status quo Establishment Republicans (YOU MUST question Establishment motives accepting criminal elections!): https://bit.ly/3J980IO


Stewart Rhodes: FBI Plant or FBI Victim?

ON JANUARY 6 keep in mind that House Speaker (Commie-Fascist) Pelosi shot down President Trump’s call for the National Guard to provide extra security during the Election-2020 Protest in Washington DC. Privately funded Oath Keepers stepped up to the plate to protect speakers from Antifa/BLM thugs. AND YET this is the very group being framed as domestic terrorists trying to lead an insurrection.

The ACTUAL insurrection was Dem-Marxist 2020 election crimes against WE THE PEOPLE!

It is now proven the FBI had plants in the January 6 Protest and the plants that are known are caught on tape instigating peaceful protestors into rage due to Election Fraud Coverups. This post examines if Stewart Rhodes is a perpetrator or FBI-framed: https://bit.ly/3ojnvpI


The Government Is Betraying the American People

Here are Justin Smith’s sentiments on how a lawless government nearly ships in Illegal Aliens into the USA giving an amplified meaning to the old Communist adage of spread the wealth by transporting Illegals secretly to various locations.

I share Justin’s anger over the situation but not the violent solutions – YET. Unless resistance arises, no matter the implications of a lawless government using the power of violent-enforcement, the few Americans still following God and Constitution might have to choose between a violent resistance or lying under the doormat of tyranny: https://bit.ly/3oitYkH
#illegalaliensfloodamerica #resisttyranny



This group will primarily be about national politics. This group is pro Christian, pro-American, pro-Trump, pro-conservative. #MAGA, #KAG, pro-veteran and pro-First Responders. Crudity and hatefulness are not appreciated here.