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Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’

Not only is our Constitution being violated by a Globalist Dem-Marxist tyranny, but as one of the victors of WWII America is one of many signatories to the anti-NAZI science experimentation that has brought us the Nuremberg Code ALSO violated by Medical Tyranny. Here’s the video with the details Dem-Marxists and Globalist science would rather you not watch: https://bit.ly/3GAfHWU
#nurembergviolations #constitutionviolations #medicaltyranny

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Election 2020: A Pathetic State of Affairs

Justin Smith is looking to American Patriots willing to withstand tyranny inflicted on Americans. In this case the mounting evidence still pooh-poohed by Dem-Marxists, RINOs and status quo Establishment Republicans (YOU MUST question Establishment motives accepting criminal elections!): https://bit.ly/3J980IO

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The Government Is Betraying the American People

Here are Justin Smith’s sentiments on how a lawless government nearly ships in Illegal Aliens into the USA giving an amplified meaning to the old Communist adage of spread the wealth by transporting Illegals secretly to various locations.

I share Justin’s anger over the situation but not the violent solutions – YET. Unless resistance arises, no matter the implications of a lawless government using the power of violent-enforcement, the few Americans still following God and Constitution might have to choose between a violent resistance or lying under the doormat of tyranny: https://bit.ly/3oitYkH
#illegalaliensfloodamerica #resisttyranny



This group will primarily be about national politics. This group is pro Christian, pro-American, pro-Trump, pro-conservative. #MAGA, #KAG, pro-veteran and pro-First Responders. Crudity and hatefulness are not appreciated here.