HEADS UP AMERICANS! THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DISTRACT US FROM May 22-28th please read! PRAY, CALL ON THE LORD!!!!!!!!! THIS IS IT! WE MUST SHUT THIS DOWN......THEY WANT YOU DISTRACTED FROM THIS May 22-28th the world as we know it may end unless you get involved!
PLEASE VISIT " dontyoudare.info" do NOT allow your country to be handed to the WHO. (World Health Organization). This is not just for USA will affect all member countries.
The Meeting will take Place in Davos. All countries are due to sign over their sovereignty to WHO.
This is not a conspiracy. IF YOU THE PEOPLE DO NOT STAND LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT WILL BE FINISHED. https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/....pdf_files/WHA75/A75_

Biden To Destroy the Republic

There was a time when the old American motto E Pluribus Unum – Out of many, one – was an apt description for the American immigration process that included assimilation to American culture and our historical significance. Justin Smith correctly observes the Dem-Marxist transformation agenda is creating a transformed Latin motto - Ex Uno, Multis or OUT OF ONE, MANY: https://bit.ly/3baG5tc
#illegalimmigration #outofonemany

SlantRight 2.0: Biden To Destroy the Republic

SlantRight 2.0: Biden To Destroy the Republic

  There was a time when the old American motto E Pluribus Unum – Out of many, one – was an apt description for the American immigration pr...

Let’s Recap – Fauci Lied People Died

SUMMARY: Since the MSM lies and issues propaganda for the FRAUDULENT Biden Administration, be sure to read up on the GoF Fauci lied to Congress in funding Wuhan Lab a CCP bioweapon developer. READ DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3E9VKW1
#fauciliedpeopledied #ccpwuhanbioweapon

SlantRight 2.0: Let’s Recap – Fauci Lied People Died

SlantRight 2.0: Let’s Recap – Fauci Lied People Died

  John R. Houk, Blog Editor © October 24, 2021   Since the MSM lies and issues propaganda for the FRAUDULENT Biden Administration ( ...

A Matter of Life, Death and Liberty

When see or hear “for the greater good” from a Dem-Marxist or their mouth pieces, you should ask yourself, “Whose greater good?” I am here to tell you the ONLY greater good a Dem-Marxist is the good of Dem-Marxist control of your personal life. Restricting the Rights in the Constitution or the Inalienable Rights from the Creator ARE NOT THE GREATER GOOD! Justin Smith elaborates: https://bit.ly/2XgyhCS
#demmaxisttyranny #bornfreeresisttyranny

SlantRight 2.0: A Matter of Life, Death and Liberty

SlantRight 2.0: A Matter of Life, Death and Liberty

  When see or hear “ for the greater good ” from a Dem-Marxist or their mouth pieces, you should ask yourself, “Whose greater good?” I am he...

Su di noi

This group is for Patriots in the Great Awakening Welcome ALL! WE HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN!