Who are we?
Lets say what we are not.
We are not about organized, ritualized, industrialized religion. We do not post every Sunday at 11 am. We may not post for weeks. We may post every day.
We say what we are led to say, when we are led to say it. This reflects the values of the Society of Friends.
We do have a mission. We are here to educate believers. It’s a school of sorts.
We will challenge your beliefs. Why?
We want to force you to actually think about what you believe, and more importantly, why you believe it.
You may disagree with some of what you read. GOOD. This forces you to think, to sort out your own reasons for belief. The point is to learn.
The apostle Paul has cautioned us to ‘work out our own salvation with fear and trembling’. This speaks to our growth as believers, an refers to our changing views as we mature spiritually. It is also a warning. There are limits, and exceeding those limits may place you on the wrong path.
So, ‘study, to find yourself approved’.


Penitential Prayer
My Lord God, creator of all that is, king of all who live, mighty in power and abundant in love beyond human imagination; I enter your presence in the sorrow of my sins against you, confessing all that I have done against your holy Word. I have offended you; I have harmed my neighbor; I have harmed myself. My attempts to hide my sin from others and to rationalize it to myself are futile: For you know all things.

I admit the sin I have tried to hide. And where I still cannot admit it, I ask your Holy Spirit to show it to me. I confess and deeply repent the heartbreak, worry, and sorrow I have caused to you, to others, to myself.

Forgive me for all of my sin, merciful God, through the mystery of salvation, by your grace that came through your only Son, Jesus Christ. From the bottom of my heart, I swear my love for Him. He is my Lord and my Savior, and I cast myself utterly upon your mercy in His name.




This page will present information for the knowledge hungry. Here I hope to open your eyes to possibilities that you may not have considered.

We laugh at ancient cultures for carving crude idols and praying to them and considering them “gods”, yet we fail to realize we too are guilty of putting “God-in-a-box”.

Our understanding of God limits how we see him. We picture God as an old man with a flowing beard, who has arms and legs and amazing mental powers. He lives “up in the sky” with a bunch of flying angels among the puffy clouds.

We are completely wrong, of course. We find it difficult to imagine God as anything else, yet what he says he is and what we think he is are different concepts.

What does he say he is?

Eternal – God exists outside of time.
All Knowing – God knows everything, the future, the past, our thoughts and dreams.
Immaterial – God is not limited to 3 dimensions or subject to time.
Omnipresent – God can be everywhere at once, there is no place God cannot be.
All powerful – God can do anything and everything, all creation everywhere is subject to him.
Merciful – God understands our weaknesses, and forgives us if we are sorry for what we have done.
Just – God is completely fair and honest.
We would assign many of these qualities to a space alien, and in a sense, that is something of what God is. He is not a “being” like us, but an “entity”. He is not locked into a shape, he is shapeless. Unlike a space alien though, God is not a created being. Since he exists outside of time he is timeless. “God” and “Heaven”, (and “Hell” for that matter) all exist outside of time, outside of our dimension. They are not “up there” or “down there”, in fact, from what we know of other dimensions, they may be right next to us. We simply cannot interact with these dimensions. They can see us though. See the story of the beggar Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. The rich man sees Lazarus and Abraham. He can communicate with them, but he cannot reach them. He asks Abraham to warn his brothers and family about “this place”, (torments), so it seems possible that communication from one side at least may be possible, however Abraham refuses, everyone gets one chance, after all.

So how does a God who is an entity relate to a human, his creation?

With an Avatar of course. Jesus was the human avatar of God. To enter this dimension, God had to confine himself to a human body, subject to all the conditions of our bodies. Disease, time, aging, existing in a material form, all of this was required of the avatar. This does not mean God left his seat in Heaven while existing as an avatar on Earth. God is not a person or a single entity. This comes from the mental boxes we create for him. God is not single or plural. God simply IS. We speak of the Trinity, yet fail to understand these are aspects, or avatars, of God, and are not limited to three. These three describe Gods interaction with man, and that is enough, but it is not a limit.

It was difficult for man to understand “God the Father” as an entity. It is much easier to wrap our minds around Jesus, the avatar of God in the form of a man. The “Holy Spirit” is the inner “flame” of consciousness that affects our emotions and mental processes.

We pray in “Jesus name” to God the Father. “No man cometh unto the Father except through me” (John 14:6). We utilize the avatar of God to access God. In computer terms, its like sending an email to God. “God.org” is the domain name. But to contact someone at “God.org” you need an email address. Jesus@God.org does the trick….



Another location of the first internet church (since 2010), our home is at https://sofichurch.wordpress.com/
Probing the frontiers of faith and exploring the mysteries of our daily manna.
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