Who are we?
Lets say what we are not.
We are not about organized, ritualized, industrialized religion. We do not post every Sunday at 11 am. We may not post for weeks. We may post every day.
We say what we are led to say, when we are led to say it. This reflects the values of the Society of Friends.
We do have a mission. We are here to educate believers. It’s a school of sorts.
We will challenge your beliefs. Why?
We want to force you to actually think about what you believe, and more importantly, why you believe it.
You may disagree with some of what you read. GOOD. This forces you to think, to sort out your own reasons for belief. The point is to learn.
The apostle Paul has cautioned us to ‘work out our own salvation with fear and trembling’. This speaks to our growth as believers, an refers to our changing views as we mature spiritually. It is also a warning. There are limits, and exceeding those limits may place you on the wrong path.
So, ‘study, to find yourself approved’.



Another location of the first internet church (since 2010), our home is at https://sofichurch.wordpress.com/
Probing the frontiers of faith and exploring the mysteries of our daily manna.
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