The temptation to give in to the world’s demands is overpowering if you are not a child of the King. But if you belong to Him, if you are an heirs of God, and a joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, then you will be strong enough to suffer with Him, and for Him. And know this as Paul declared that the earnest expectation of creation itself is waiting, waiting for the manifestation, the unveiling, the righteous resolution of the children of God to stand up and be seen. So, take your stand.

Jesus Creator, Savior, Lord, King #11 Jesus Nullifies Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 3

Jesus Creator, Savior, Lord, King #11 Jesus Nullifies Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 3

Jesus Creator, Savior, Lord, King #11 Jesus Nullifies Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 3 The Story of the Forty Wrestlers             In the...

What God did for Moses, He will also do for us, setting us on Jesus the Rock of our salvation, and hiding us in the cleft of His grace. In Jesus we hear God’s true name, "The LORD, The LORD, God! Merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty."

Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord and King #10 Moses Glimpses God’s Glory – Exodus 33-34

Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord and King #10 Moses Glimpses God’s Glory – Exodus 33-34

  Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord and King #10 Moses Glimpses God’s Glory – Exodus 33-34 Introduction We continue in our series on Jesus...

From our Bible readings today. 1 Cointhians 1-2
Beautiful words tell a beautiful truth.


From our Bible Readings today. Judges 12-18
The One who spoke man into existence speaks the truth of the vital link between a mother's body and her unborn child.


It is the essential task of Christian parents to prepare their children for God's call, whatever and whenever it might be. It’s not enough to make sure they learn to read and write, do math or play sports. Those things only count for a short time and eternity is what you must prepare your children for.

Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord, King -#6 Jesus Surprise Samsons Parents

Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord, King -#6 Jesus Surprise Samsons Parents

  #6 Jesus Surprise Samsons Parents Review: Angel of the Lord so far. Garden of Eden, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Gideon Today we are going ...


A group for independent Baptists to share truth, prayers, events and encouragement.