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Atheist Advocate (AA): "1 Samuel 2:8 'For the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, And He set the world on them'. The Bible is not based on scientific fact."


Confused Christian (CC): "What is the point of thanking God for things He didn’t “directly” give us?"


Confused Christian (CC): "How often should you pray, and what should you pray about?"


Atheist Advocate (AA): "The Bible is outdated. Eccl. 1:9 says 'What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun," but since then we have invented airplanes, the atomic bomb, landed on the moon and made many other scientific advances'."


Atheist Advocate (AA): "If we compare Matthew 27:35 in the King James Version and the New International Version, the KJV has added a fulfilled prophecy just to make it appear valid. How can you know what really happened?"



Discussions on Christian Doctrine and contemporary religious issues, Please engage in discussion, not youtube videos or memes or long teaching items. Kind and courteous civil discussions are required. If you would like to be tagged when I post Bible questions, let me know at