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Confused Christian (CC): "I want to study the Bible. How do you study the Bible beyond just reading it?"


"You believe the Bible because it tells you about God, and you believe in God because
the Bible tells you so. That is circular reasoning, which is invalid reasoning."


Confused Christian (CC): "What should the role of the Bible be in a Christian’s life?"


Atheist Advocate (AA): "The bible is the work on man. Why do you believe the particular 39 books called the 'Old Testament' are the Word of God? The decisions about which ancient writings to include was entirely arbitrary and sometimes even whimsical."


Confused Christian (CC): "Why do I feel judged when I mention what are normal parts of popular culture everywhere else?"



Discussions on Christian Doctrine and contemporary religious issues, Please engage in discussion, not youtube videos or memes or long teaching items. Kind and courteous civil discussions are required. If you would like to be tagged when I post Bible questions, let me know at