Trump announces he wants US to ‘own’ Gaza
The US president plans to demolish the enclave and resettle Palestinians elsewhere
This fits perfectly with Trump. I bet he will capitalize on this and build his Trump Towers there. Since the plans are to turn this into another Dubia or the French Riviera, you can bet that the Trump family plan to capitalize on this.
What makes it worse is, that the Palestinians would be forced to move. What if Jordan and Egypt refuse to take these people in, will the US and Europe take the rest? You can be sure they will. And, since Hammas is behind every Palestinian (as Israel claims), what about these other nations having to take these people in. It’s OK for Israel to claim Hammas is everywhere within this population, what if the other nations claim the same thing? Or, would this be called “antisemitic”? #gaza #trumptowers #gazaplans
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US President Donald Trump plans to demolish the enclave and resettle Palestinians elsewhere

Babylon's Fall, part 2 of 2

Babylon's Fall, part 1

Why does America have so many problems? Why do other nations of Europe have problems? Because it’s a curse from God for not following His laws, statues and judgements? Don’t believe me? Read your Bible. Find out more on
Sounds like more DEW used in California fires. Fires don't burn like that and the fact that the fire hydrants didn't have water means this is a set-up by the government for the Elite to come in and take over the land.


We discuss Bible truths that most churches will not cover. We are biblically correct and not politically correct. We also talk about government and corporate cover ups – giving biblical answers to today's problems. We recognize that the White people today are the descendants of the ancient Israelites and that God's laws, statues and judgements should be the laws of the land.