Make a Stand Against COVID/Medical Tyranny
I am on the email list of Speaking About News which picks up stories for other websites (much like I do as well) and posts them. Here is some opinion (based on facts) from Wayne Allyn Root acquired from Townhall (which seems to be migrating to a subscription service) entitled, “COVID-19 Storyline is the Greatest Scam in History – This is a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’.”
Then I am cross posting the Bitchute Channel BNN’s capture of David & Stacy Whited (of Flyover Conservatives) interviewing Dr. Bryan Ardis discussing FDA lies about Remdesivir, mRNA Jabs and lies on PROVEN effective therapies against COVID under the title “DR. ARDIS: EXPOSING FDA LIES… ARE THERE REALLY VARIANTS?!” I have no when the episode actually aired but the BNN version is dated 1/29/22:
#jabdeception #fdalies #govtliars