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Make a Stand Against COVID/Medical Tyranny

I am on the email list of Speaking About News which picks up stories for other websites (much like I do as well) and posts them. Here is some opinion (based on facts) from Wayne Allyn Root acquired from Townhall (which seems to be migrating to a subscription service) entitled, “COVID-19 Storyline is the Greatest Scam in History – This is a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’.”

Then I am cross posting the Bitchute Channel BNN’s capture of David & Stacy Whited (of Flyover Conservatives) interviewing Dr. Bryan Ardis discussing FDA lies about Remdesivir, mRNA Jabs and lies on PROVEN effective therapies against COVID under the title “DR. ARDIS: EXPOSING FDA LIES… ARE THERE REALLY VARIANTS?!” I have no when the episode actually aired but the BNN version is dated 1/29/22: https://bit.ly/3GaD5dn
#jabdeception #fdalies #govtliars


On Beck’s ‘The Great Reset’

SUMMARY: I understand Beck’s definition of The Great Reset to be a nebulous combination neo-Marxist-Socialism leaning closer to Corporate Fascism. Watch Beck explain his book & Iverson evaluate it via a Beck interview: https://bit.ly/3IuoriS


Resist Brainwashing with Science Truth

SUMMARY: Leftists controlling News and Entertainment to LIE not only about COVID itself, but also the mRNA jabs people are still being told will protect one from a CCP-virus that already has an over 99% survival rate. AND of the less than 1% who died attributed to the CCP-virus… UNDERSTANDABLE SCIENCE TO WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/3qN9TVi
#uncensoredscience #jabsexposed


There is a Medical Tyranny – Agenda to Exist

SUMMARY: I share the posting info primarily some of the info comes from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website.

The Dr. Mercola website post features an interview he conducted with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko entitled, “The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System.” The video interview is just a little over an hour long. The summation of the interview includes information that Dr. Zelenko has been battling a rare cancer that has already cost him a lung. In my opinion you can hear Dr. Zelenko’s health issues in his voice.

I am also adding a Dr. Peter McCullough interview conducted by Jamie Glazov that is just over 51-minutes long entitled, “The Haunting World of Suppressing Covid Treatments.”

Then I’m adding several cross posts based on the actual from the caliber of Zelenko and McCullough. Which I have to point out these doctors were considered highly imminent in their science/medical fields until now proven greedy medical liars tagged to the puppet strings of Big Pharma and Globalist-Marxists have set out to impugn their stellar reputations. WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/33wBEsm


If We Wanna Beat Em' We Gotta Not Need 'Em

I do admire Freeman’s goal/agenda yet I have some uncertainty in a current attainability. NEVERTHELESS, if tyranny increases rather than decreases, combinations of both John Galt-style clandestine communities and Founding Fathers-style armed resistance might be able to operate hand-in-hand. Just to be clear though, Vic Freeman’s movement is totally non-violent resistance. If you lean to peaceful resistance to Dem-Marxist tyranny, you definitely want to read on how to participate: https://bit.ly/3tuarRI


Über Uns

FED - Up and Furious is a discussion and information exchange forum for right of center American Patriots who are actively seeking a return to civility, American values, self sufficiency, and the adherence of government to the Constitution of the United States.

Politics and religion are not taboo subjects here and free speech is exercised without regard to any politically correct restrictions. However, as adults who hold ourselves to a standard dictated by traditional American values, heavy cursing, bullying, or personal attacks upon