OregonLive reports about how Amazon data centers are among the state’s biggest carbon polluters. Who’dve thought cap and trade would cause problems? The article focuses on how the Umatilla Electric Cooperative “is responsible for 1.8 million tons of carbon-emissions annually,” but has just 16,000 customers. The article says, “Data centers’ power demands have upended Oregon’s fight against global warming, exposing the limitations of the state’s electrical grid and the state’s hope to move toward clean power. Oregon is many years away from meaningfully expanding its transmission capacity, and with Amazon planning at least 10 more data centers in the region, eastern Oregon’s carbon footprint is poised to continue soaring.”

Anecdotally, some Oregonians in Prineville and surrounding areas have left due to Amazon, Facebook and Apple data centers using up the water supply to keep the centers cool. These data centers have clogged the once beautiful ridge with disturbing fluorescent lights and barbed fences and provided minimal jobs. But environmentalists didn’t care then.

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GREATER IDAHO - They told us it could never happen, but in about 2 years a lot has happened. It is NOT impossible, as some would say, but it would NEVER happen if we don't try! People all over the country are talking about it as it gives them hope for their own states. There have been newspaper articles in Japan, Mexico, and even in Saudi Arabia! Please share this as far and wide as possible. People need to know that there is progress! Thank you. Blessings,

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Greater Idaho has an anthem now - "Salem, Let My People Go!"


The Oregon / Idaho border was established 161 years ago and is now outdated. It makes no sense in its current location. The Oregon / Washington border was updated in 1958. The Oregon / Idaho border was not.
We are a group of 10,000 people working to convince Oregon and California to move their borders to put conservative counties on the other side of their borders to enlarge the territory of Idaho, a red state.
Anyone can collect signatures in certain counties to force this issue onto the ballot. To get a petition, one option is to download from www.GreaterIdaho.org and print on both sides of the page (turn it over).
Rural Oregonians can ask their county commissioners to put a non-binding advisory question about this on the county ballot. Please donate to our campaign.
Learn more: www.greateridaho.org