testing. testing! Hello? is this thing in?! 😝 i cannot figure what to do SophieMae. I got a post that you invited me to LIKE this group but IDT i am a member. maybe that’s what it meant…join? idk. anyway i clicked on the blue + box. will see what happens!

** Anyone started planning their spring garden yet? I've started a few plants indoors under growlights. My dream was to have vegetables over the winter, but, well, I have a planter of tiny red bell peppers, a three inch tall feverfew plant, 12" planter of rosemary, a few dill plants about 18" tall, one garlic plant only about three inches tall, some catgrass (for the cats), an 18" planter of potatoes that are growing, but can't be harvested until at least late May, OH, and barley that I planted only so I could see if the seeds were still viable.
** We got outdoors a few days ago when one day of spring slipped in between a few days of winter and we were able to clean out some of the raised beds and large planters. We found some yarrow already poking out of the soil .. Praise GOD for perennials!!
** What y'all got growing? Or in the planning stages?

Anyone doing indoor gardening this winter? I am turning my mudroom into a winter greenhouse of sorts. I'm interested in knowing who else is growing indoors this winter, what you're using, and what you are growing. See my intent in the comments.

Has anyone ever done hydroponics gardening? I'm interested in hearing your experience with it. My husband and I are looking at the dutch bucket system which is really economical. I would be happy to have fresh vegetables year round, and good ones too compared to the grocery store.



We're a community set up for all levels of home gardeners who want to grow their own ingredients for both nutrition and healing. Post your questions, or answer a question, share your tips and experiences, links, photos etc. Let's keep our spirit kind, and have fun comparing gardens with other members. Right, one more thing .. profanity and hate are weeds here, and will be plucked and properly exterminated (organically, of course)