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The Sutliffian Report with Cohost Leo Hohmann and General Paul Vallely

Paul Sutliff assembles Leo Hohmann and retired General Paul Vallely to discuss national security issues beginning with the designs and incursions of the Chinese Communist Party globally. Heard as broadcast 4/8/21 on Global Patriot Radio on the Sutliffian Report. Then evolves into state of politics in the USA.

At about the 35-minute mark Sutliff begins engaging Leo Hohmann talking about the CCP propaganda distributed through a Hedgehog animated video brainwashing children COVID (aka CCP Virus), masks and vaccines. Astonishing tidbit: The Hedgehog animation was made in 2016 and distributed in 2017. THEN Sutliff begins discussing the global intent of Civilization Jihad. READ & LISTEN HERE: https://bit.ly/324BEvi
#ccphegemonicagenda #bidenbetrayal #ccppropaganda #civilizationjihad

SlantRight 2.0: The Sutliffian Report with Cohost Leo Hohmann and General Paul Vallely

SlantRight 2.0: The Sutliffian Report with Cohost Leo Hohmann and General Paul Vallely

  Paul Sutliff assembles Leo Hohmann and retired General Paul Vallely to discuss national security issues beginning with the designs and inc...

Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?
SUMMARY: If you are not familiar with terms associated with this Plandemic/Scamdemic that ushered in Dementia-Beijing Joe and his Dem-Marxist oligarchy into power in America give “[REFUSE] THE DARKEST WINTER” (https://tinyurl.com/85fhj2m4) another examination. … Fear has not only been used to manipulate elections, FEAR has been used to make sure criminal election acts are not adjudicated by the legal system. NOW it appears the Globalist-Marxists are about to utilize lessons learned in fear to consolidate power over YOUR life. Johns Hopkins documentation from 2017 points to the CURRENT COVID-control practices imposed on Americans & globally! READ ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CALLED The “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028”: https://bit.ly/3dG0Q0R
#sparspandemic2025to2028 #globalistmarxistplandemic

SlantRight 2.0: Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?

SlantRight 2.0: Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?

  John R. Houk, Blog Editor © April 6, 2021   In a post submitted by Justin Smith in November 2020 a huge amount of info is available ...

COVID Tyranny Demands Mass Resistance

Criminally elected CCP-Dementia Biden and comrades are using COVID as a vehicle to extend control over people and cement ONE-Party tyranny in all of America’s governance. Begin to peacefully throw off the bonds of despotism and prepare for Dem-Marxist violent reprisals to your Patriotic RESISTANCE. Justin Smith examines the increasing COVID tyranny in America: https://bit.ly/3ufb8LY
#covidtyranny #vaccinetyranny #marxistglobalistagenda

SlantRight 2.0: COVID Tyranny Demands Mass Resistance

SlantRight 2.0: COVID Tyranny Demands Mass Resistance

  Criminally elected CCP-Dementia Biden and comrades are using COVID as a vehicle to extend control over people and cement ONE-Party tyranny...

This Is Joe Biden's Border Crisis

CCP-Dementia faux-prez Joe Biden and his Communist comrades allowed to operate the U.S. government via massive election crimes under the protection of all corrupted government Branches is perpetuating the crime of America’s destruction by cultivating ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. By the way Dem-Marxists, just for clarity, the aliens are undocumented because they are ILLEGAL. Justin Smith shares the details: https://bit.ly/3webpRe
#illegalimmigration #demmarxistvoterbase

SlantRight 2.0: This Is Joe Biden's Border Crisis

SlantRight 2.0: This Is Joe Biden's Border Crisis

  CCP-Dementia faux-prez Joe Biden and his Communist comrades allowed to operate the U.S. government via massive election crimes under the p...


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Terrifying, Orwellian, repressive and freedom altering events are shaping our present and more importantly our future. Let me help you untangle the web of information surrounding the moments in life where you scratch your head and wonder if you are being given the entire truth or how you didn't hear about it in the first place!

So much of the information we are given today is filtered, fraudulent or just plain deceitful. Why are we not owed the chance to know the real truth...why the