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The most important skill needed to learn when growing in mindfulness is…. SELF OBSERVATION. More specifically, you need to be able to — continually or intermittently — watch your thoughts. Become the observer.

The easiest thing to do is simply be grateful as as many times as possible. Make a conscious recognition for every little thing and everybody meet. It's true. What you think about, you bring about. Being grateful for all those good things, only brings more good things into your life.

Just being grateful like this, you will ultimately attract the situations, people and things you need to prod you on to your true destiny, even if you have yet to recognize this yourself.

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The mind is an essential tool, but for many, it has become an obsessive master. That incessant voice we hear in our heads is NOT who we are. Left unchecked the mind can easily become an unending source of unnecessary judgment and anguish.

Step back for a moment, and watch your mind jumping from thought to thought. Who is doing the watching? There!! That is the true self. The Watcher.

There are 100's of meditation techniques. Share yours here.