Anti-Marxist Thoughts Leading to JOS COVID/Liberty Essays

A lot of independent minded Conservatives seeing their Constitutional Liberties and God-given Rights slip into oblivion because of a global infectious disease are beginning to believe the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic is a made up event. I believe the pandemic is real. YET I do see a Marxist hand and agenda. That hand is a Communist China. READ ENTIRETY:
#chicomglobalists #communistglobalists #unmarxists #americanliberty

SlantRight 2.0: Anti-Marxist Thoughts Leading to JOS COVID/Liberty Essays

SlantRight 2.0: Anti-Marxist Thoughts Leading to JOS COVID/Liberty Essays

John R. Houk © April 9, 2020 A lot of independent minded Conservatives seeing their Constitutional Liberties and God-given Rights ...