Proverbs 25:26 Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked. Really over the past twenty years; and very much relevant today at least by my observation, is Christian’s and I can include Americans also, reluctance to stick together or to join together for a common good! We as Christians and Americans have become very efficient at complaining and moaning about the shape the world, our country, politician’s, schools, entertainment, laws, and the moral decay of society in general. Oh; we will sit around and talk about it, text each other, complain on social media about the good old days. But when someone, or some organization; comes up with a gathering, protest, or plan to unite together to protect our God given and constitutional rights. Crickets!!! In my humble opinion; which might not be very much to anyone else; if we continue to sit back and do nothing, but talk; then friends there is coming a day when they will take that away from us, along with every other right that we now take for granted. And you can put that in your proverbial pipe and smoke it!