With all of this working from home going on during the coronavirus crisis, what a day on the job looks like can vary wildly. From pajama bottoms paired with business-casual tops to family members passing by constantly, the "culture" of a company has greatly diversified to include each employee's immediate surroundings.

But one difference that most people can embrace is the appearance of adorable intruders: sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, sometimes babies. Everyone seems to be in a more relaxed frame of mind, and seeing something cute pop on-screen during a video conference isn't as embarrassing as it might have otherwise been.

Weatherman working from home interrupted by needy cat, becomes internet sensation - WND

Weatherman working from home interrupted by needy cat, becomes internet sensation - WND

Whether she'll remain a staple in his work remains to be seen, but for now, everyone seems to be enjoying her presence and her suitably catty attitude.